They are here, from Venezuela, Servando and Florentino Primera

Servando and Florentino

A popular saying affirms that “love is repaid with love”. And the love that Venezuela has given to this pair of brothers throughout their lives has not only been incredible but incomparable. Slight and salserin They have been groups capable of causing madness to sprout through the pores of infinite masses of fans throughout the country. And after a long decade of waiting, Servando and Florentino They are reunited with their usual admirers.

Press Conference - Servando and Florentino
Servando and Florentino in their first meeting with the Venezuelan media after a decade | Photos Ramses Romero

At the Melia Caracas, Servando and Florentino offered their first press conference in the country in 10 years. There was a lot of expectation. Journalists lined up near the Casanova Avenue hotel, others got off their transports between producers, microphones and cameras, to be received by security personnel. At the entrance, meanwhile, protective measures against covid-19 were practiced.

surprise on high

Climbing the stairs to the floor that would serve as a waiting room felt exactly the same as that October 1996 when that eternal queue formed outside of the polyhedronfor a double concert to a full house with which salserin set a record for an artist of that style.

The meeting was in the heights: in the heliport of the Melia Caracas, on the 20th floor, and with a great view of a sunny city.

Long wait

They say that no one is a prophet in their land, but Servando and Florentine they are. This meeting would be baptized as the beginning of what is considered one of the most anticipated tours by the public in Venezuela, Latin America and part of Europe.

The song “Los Hermanos Primera” was playing in the background while a large row of chairs was arranged in front of the stage that would receive the artists. All covered. Around 11:00 am, many in attendance welcomed the warning to bring sunscreen, umbrellas, or large hats and caps.

The sun was harsh. “There’s less to go”, “They will be out very soon” was heard among the organizers.

Song after song, from “I give you the moon” to “If I were you” or “A fan in love” enlivened the wait. The 5 chairs on stage indicated that they would not be the first to speak.

So it was.

behind the show

For an artist to be successful, they need a committed team that helps them cope with the burden and responsibility that stardom brings.

In this opportunity, Oswaldo Pontemanager of the duo, began the press conference accompanied by the logistics group that would make the show possible.

“Everyone is welcome to what we classify as the First Experience», he pointed. “You are the first to witness a musical milestone that will be remembered forever. Which Servando and Florentino have prepared is much more than a concert”, he said.

Organizers of the so-called «First Experience» | Photo Ramses Romero

In your city World Tour It will reach more than 50 countries and a total of 56 cities. The concert tour includes stops in Chile, Panama, Argentina, Uruguay, Peru, Ecuador, Mexico, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Colombia, Spain, Portugal, England, Ireland, the United States and Puerto Rico. “But Venezuela always was, is and will be the most important country for thewe guys from El Valle. Caracas saw them born and that is why they want to start this path right here, “said Ponte.

«They imposed it on me and without the right to kick. Servan and Floren They conceived this tour, from the beginning, in the city of red tiles and nothing and no one made them change their minds. Not even my mercantilist thought in wanting Caracas to be the last destination of the tour », he assured.

5 heads are better than one

Oswaldo Ponte as manager, David Amaya working as a producer Howard Chirinos as head of security Carlos Querales working in the pyrotechnics and Mario Davila focusing on the protocol, they will give life to the organizational deployment of this concert conceived as First Experience.

For 20 minutes they answered questions regarding the organization of the show and, although they avoided details and surprises, they anticipated the possible experiences that will be experienced before the Primera brothers take the stage.

Amaya, who was also the producer of the streamings made by the artists, highlighted that the doors to the terrace of the CCCT will open from 4:00 pm so that the public can enjoy areas specially designed to recreate the musical history of Servando and Florentino. .

“We built a museum of memorabilia focused on the lives of the boys and, of course, their careers,” he said. «We even built a space that we call ‘Plaza de Primera’, where people will be able to enjoy all the concerts put on by Servando and Florentinoincluding the streaming», he added. “There will be a very special tour and the lives of both will be remembered through images and sounds.”

They also built an area of ​​varied food and beverage concessions: people will be seated at tables spread throughout the space where they can enjoy the audiovisuals of their choice.

no room for simplicity

“This will not be just any show. The whole of Venezuela will be part of a story,” stressed Oswaldo Ponte. «There are almost 30 years of artistic career that deserve to be told and enjoyed through clothes, writings, photos, etc…».

The future and new trends will also be protagonists of this display; a chrome will bring to life Servando and Florentino as dance companions, for those who feel comfortable following their choreographies in public. The result will be sent via email and can be shared on social networks to make the moment viral.

Streaming images of the First Brothers, In Your Room

The show is conceived in Venezuela. “From Venezuelans, for Venezuelans. We believe and trust in what is in the country, in the staff and their talent. We are not bringing anything from outside; everything has a tricolor seal and that is something we always wanted to rescue: the Venezuelan nature of things,” said David Amaya. “We had to bring together the best to achieve the best and that will be evidenced by the extraordinary staging that is planned to be mounted,” he pointed out.

«We are putting ourselves at the level of international artists and we leave the expectation to the maximum with the certainty that the promise we made will be fulfilled. Servando and Florentino returned to make history at home. The experience will be unique and unrepeatable,” added the manager.

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“Travel light” through the First Experience

High-level meetings have been held so that what happened last weekend at the concert of the Colombian band Morat, where there were firearms in the audience, is not repeated.

“We will increase our efforts fivefold, if possible, to avoid any mishap,” said Howard Chirinos. “We can’t talk much about it because there is an ongoing criminal investigation process, but we are working on it. However, Travel light to the Experience It is the reminder that we want to promote so that the attendees, especially the ladies, do not carry uncomfortable bags or cosmetics with mirrors, “he said. “We want people to be calm and in healthy peace.”

There will be a general coordinator, 10 supervisors, 105 security agents and 50 protocol personnel to guarantee order. At the equipment level, there will be 5 metal detector arches, 12 manual arches, 12 fire extinguishers, 400 bars, 100 meters of black wall, 20 signaling signs, 40 security radios, 15 production, 52 portable toilets, 20 cones and two ambulances with two paramedics inside each.

“In addition, a map will be delivered upon entering where the areas in which the event is divided are specified and explained: bathrooms, stage, museum, food, drinks, among others,” Chirinos concluded.

Servando and Florentino: the time has come

It was 12:01 noon when Servando and Florentino They appeared through the stairs that crossed the roof of the helipad.

“There they are”, “Finally!”, “We were waiting for them” were many of the expressions that were heard among the journalists who, many excited, crowded together with the cameramen to take photos and videos.

Servando and Florentino
Photos Ramses Romero

With large retro glasses, a bohemian and relaxed style very characteristic of both and a smile that did not fit on their faces, they took photos and were grateful not only for waiting but also for the fact that the attendees had made the time to be able to accompany them.

“We needed this, okay!” Florentino exclaimed, while Servando reinforced and affirmed what he had said with how much he missed Caracas and, of course, its people.

Florentine First
Florentine First | Photo Ramses Romero

More than 10,000 souls united

First round: almost 40 journalists; almost 40 questions. One for each medium.

The process was entertaining, flowed relatively quickly and was charged with the good vibes of the artists, who did not stop repeating the emotion they felt upon meeting again, just like fans in love, with their “beloved and beloved Venezuela.”

“The emotion overwhelms us just imagining more than 10,000 hearts vibrating in unison with us after so long,” said Florentino. «Many say that difficulties may arise due to the magnitude of what we have prepared, but here there is no difficulty; here there is willingness and desire », he pointed out.

“In addition, we have the best production and the best team; we will be accompanied by the best musicians of our generation and guided by the mystique of the master Yasmil Marrufo. What can go wrong? ”, Servando limited.

Serving First
Serving First | Photo Ramses Romero

Relive the experience of fans in love

Minutes passed and the midday sun intensified, but no one left.

The brothers commented that they are happy, seeing their children grow up, composing successful songs for many artists and for themselves. But above all, they are enjoying the process without taking it for granted. “When you set limits, everything ends and as long as we have the passion that still burns inside us, the motivation, the music and those who listen to us, we have any battle won,” said Florentino.

“Our musical proposal is the seed that is the song and that seed was sown in the hearts of the people,” he rescued. “Having God, having family, having the team and having each other, we are here to color life, to leave a mark in some way,” she added.

“We continue to grow even when the rain does not constantly fall on our soil, simply because we have the love of the people that translates into that seed planted in the hearts of those who listen to us and have accompanied us along the way for so long,” he added. Serving.

Servando and Florentino

The most challenging

«The fact of having such a permanent mass of people and love makes us feel valued. That is the main bet that people have had for us and our work”, they highlighted.

Servando and Florentino They go around the world spreading what they are: Venezuelans. “With this tour we are making sure that the world does not forget what Venezuela means to us and to all Venezuelans around the planet,” Florentino said.

«We have been promiscuous with music because it is the only way to satisfy our professional appetite; through our veins runs that hunger to venture into everything that can be musically speaking; try everything and try to make it our own”, concluded Servando.

Press Conference - Servando and Florentino

To find out what the next stops will be that “the kids from El Valle” will be making In your City World Tour, enter and follow social networks @servandoyflorentino, @servandoprimera and @florentinoprimera.

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