They approve in the first discussion the Budget Bill for Fiscal Year 2023 in Yaracuy

In order to guarantee the goods, public services, stability and social investment of the people, the Yaracuy State Legislative Council (Cley)approved the first discussion of the Bill of Income and Expenditure Budget for Fiscal Year 2023 of the regional Executive.

The session was chaired by the deputy of the Legislative Council of the entityÁngel Gamarra, who indicated that the project is formulated and contemplated in the legal framework and will be carefully analyzed by the parliamentarians to later take it to a second and definitive discussion.

In this sense, Gamarra reported that 60% of the budget is earmarked for improvements and compensation for social programs, as well as for the prioritized sectors of education, housing, food, health, job training, security, and financial access through the People Power.

It should be noted that the budget for 2023 reaches the figure of 192 million 621 thousand 834 bolivars with 28 cents (192,621,834.28)and its distribution is aimed at sectors such as security and defense, infrastructure, food, agricultural production, among others.

Likewise, the regional Parliament will have allocated an amount of two million 873 thousand 459 bolivars with 39 cents (2,873,459.39)for operational, administrative and personnel expenses of the legislative body.

Source: Cley Press


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