They announce an increase in monthly aid to buy food in the United States: who will benefit?

The CalFresh Nutrition Financing Program will increase its funding by 22% to help millions of Americans buy cheap, quality food.

The announcement, released in the last few hours, not only means that those who already benefit from this aid receive more money. It also opens the door for many of those who were previously ineligible to qualify. We tell you.

Indeed, many lower-income residents of the United States have benefited from the help offered by the CalFresh food program, and the number of beneficiaries could soon increase.

Those who were previously rejected should try once more. Well the requirements to be eligible have changed considerably, and it is easier to get help.

There is good news for families who receive help from the “CalFresh” program. The state announced a monthly increase in benefits.

However, the best news is for families living in the United States who already benefit from the CalFresh program. They will automatically receive a monthly increase in the amount of benefits.

Thousands of people could benefit for the first time

And they are not few because according to a study by the University of Southern California (USC), of every 4 people who currently live in Los Angeles County, 1 has faced financial difficulties and would gladly receive this help.

At the moment, several residents have reacted to the news, indicating that it comes at the best possible time. They point to the high cost of food, rent, and fuel in the United States today.

Today almost all the clients surveyed agree that the food and essential goods of the basic basket have increased in price. Known at the federal level as the supplementary feeding program, it is a mechanism to support family economies that are at a socioeconomic disadvantage.

According to Gabriela Gómez, director of the Los Angeles County Department of Public Social Services, in California, there are approximately 600,000 people who could be potentially eligible to receive CalFresh for the first time. She points out that many of the beneficiaries could be minors who urgently need more resources for a healthy diet.

How to apply for CalFresh or the aforementioned increase if you are already a beneficiary?

According to the source itself, those who are already part of CalFresh, from this month of October will benefit from the increase, without having to do anything. However, those who hope to classify for the first time must document all the requirements in the indicated web.

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CalFresh for the undocumented?

Likewise, several pro-immigrant organizations and activists request that the possibility of extending the CalFresh program to illegal immigrants who are currently in a situation of poverty be evaluated.

The authorities insist that those interested should not forget that if they have children born in the United States, they can request help for them, even if you as a parent do not have valid documents.

“If you are a person who is in the middle of a migration normalization process, you can still request help to buy food on behalf of your children. They should not be afraid that something could happen to them, or affect their immigration process, Gómez acknowledged.

He also pointed out that all the information provided by the applicant will be entirely confidential. In other words, it is not transferred to any other federal agency in the United States.

On the other hand, it is warned that the beneficiaries of the program must be alert to possible scams that may arise through the well-known EBT cards.

How much will the CalFresh food help increase?

According to the executors of the program, this is not an insignificant increase. They give as an example the fact that if a family of 4 members, for example, until today received $835.00 dollars per month, now from this month of October they will automatically receive $900.00 dollars. There is talk of an increase of 22% in several cases.

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