Thessaloniki: The trial of the police officer who received sick leave with false reports was postponed – 2024-07-27 10:20:10

Thessaloniki: The trial of the police officer who received sick leave with false reports was postponed
 – 2024-07-27 10:20:10

After the three-day postponement he requested and received, the 31-year-old EL.AS deputy warden was released by the Single-Member Criminal Court of Thessaloniki. who is accused of having attempted to deceive the competent Police Health Committee with false medical reports, in order to obtain sick leave, refraining from his official duties.

His trial was adjourned until Saturday, July 27, at the defendant’s request to prepare his defense.

The 31-year-old policeman was arrested on Wednesday, July 24 in Thessaloniki and criminal charges were brought against him for the use of false medical certifications on a continuous basis, moral complicity in false medical certifications on a continuous basis, attempt to obtain a false certificate and false testimony on a continuous basis.

A private doctor is allegedly involved in the same case, but he was not arrested since the conditions for the application of the automatic procedure were not met. However, by order of the public prosecutor, a separate case file is filed against him.

How the fraud was revealed

Before the arrest of the police officer, a complaint was filed, according to which during the official control there were clear indications that the private doctor issued false medical opinions regarding the health condition of the police officer. In particular, the police officer involved is accused of using various gimmicks of his weakness or particular difficulty in moving, in order to avoid his examination by the competent health committee, or by invoking false medical opinions, he tried to convince the members of the committee that his state of health he needs sick leave.

This was followed by his discretionary surveillance by a competent echelon of the Internal Affairs Service of the Security Forces of Northern Greece, where his criminal behavior was established.

According to his information protothema.grthe medical reports submitted by the 31-year-old police officer with the rank of deputy constable, have the dates 11-07-2024 and 18-07-2024 and, as stated in them, he suffers from “acute back pain”, due to the symptoms of which “he cannot to work, he must remain strictly bedridden and under medication for 20 days.”

After the presentation of the medical opinions, the police officer was referred to the competent Health Committee, however, on July 15, he did not appear citing problems with movement. After his claim, the competent doctor of K.I.Th. went to his house in order to examine him in this regard, in accordance with the prescribed procedure, without the policeman being found inside his house, a fact for which the prescribed disciplinary control was already ordered against him.

He had the crutches with him and was walking normally

Four days later, on July 19, the 31-year-old appeared before the Health Committee supported by crutches, “faking” difficulty walking, while he underwent a medical examination for the alleged health problem (back pain) with a negative result. Even after this event, the deputy warden wished to submit an imaging examination and the Commission decided to postpone the judgment on his health status until 07-24-2024.

According to the same information, after the above events it was decided to put him under discreet surveillance, during which he was found to be outside his home for at least six continuous hours, walking without presenting any problem in walking and without carrying or using crutches. In addition, the following day, the police officer left his home in anticipation of his examination by the competent Sanitary Commission, holding the crutches in his hands and walking normally, without any problem in walking, holding the crutches in his hand.

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However, upon entering the Police Headquarters building, he began using crutches and pretending that his left leg was ill, not using it while walking. This behavior continued throughout his stay inside the Police Station building until he left it, when he again placed the crutches in his hand and walked to his vehicle. Also, during his examination on the same day by the competent Health Committee of K.I.TH, for the alleged health problem (back pain), he had a negative result.

In the meantime, the 31-year-old policeman insisted on the content of the tests he had submitted and stating, in fact, that from the day of his previous test until July 24, he had not left his home where he remained permanently bedridden, while his walking inside the house was carried out only with the use of bacteria.

162 days sick leave in two years

It is noted that after an online survey by EL.AS. it was established that for this security guard there were reports about his work during the summer months of 2023 in a health care facility in Mykonos, while he was on sick leave at that time, while after the investigation it was established that the police officer was indeed on sick leave from the 24-06-2023 until 03-09-2023.

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