Thessaloniki: 18 months in prison for the policeman who missed 160 days from work in two years 2024-07-31 19:42:29

This person attempted to obtain sick leave by submitting false medical reports to the competent police health committee.

The court found him guilty of a total of three acts, more specifically of moral turpitude in the issuance of a false medical certification (follow-up), attempt to obtain a false certificate and false testimony (follow-up), without recognizing him as a mitigating factor. As the conditions of the law for the 3-year suspension of the sentence were not met, it was decided to convert it to 10 euros/day, while its execution has a suspensive force until the Court of Appeal.

By decision of the Headquarters of the Hellenic Army, he was suspended and a disciplinary investigation is being conducted against him. The case was revealed following an investigation by the Internal Affairs Service of the Security Forces of Northern Greece. According to the case file, the accused police officer had recently submitted medical reports that falsely stated that he was suffering from “acute back pain” and that he would therefore have to remain strictly bedridden and under medication for 20 days.

“He was absent more than 160 days in the last 2 years”

Testifying in court, the chairman of the competent committee for granting sick leaves, stated that after a relevant investigation it emerged that the deputy warden had received more than 160 days of sick leave during the last 2 years. As the same witness reported, invoking mobility problems and inability to move, the accused did not appear at the health committee to be examined, so an order was given for a competent doctor to go to his house to examine him, but he did not find him at his house, but the persistent calls, both on the doorbell and on his cell phone.

“The next day the deputy warden went to the committee on crutches, which surprised me, because I have not seen a person with back pain come on crutches, as the doctor does not recommend it. He told us that he will have an MRI, that’s why we postponed it. He had some hernias, pressing on some nerves, one was opposite where he was limping. It could justify a backache, but not a person on crutches,” testified the doctor-witness.

“He used crutches before entering the Police Station”

Under these circumstances, an order was given to the “incorruptible” of EL.AS. to place him under discreet surveillance, and it was found that he was walking normally, absent several hours from his home. The countdown to his arrest began last Wednesday morning when, in view of another scheduled examination by the relevant health committee, he arrived in his car at the Police Station, where he parked the vehicle, walked normally and just before passing the main gate began using crutches, a second witness who serves with Internal Affairs testified.

“We saw him enter using his crutches and when he came out of the GADT and the target was out of sight, he took them in his hand again and walked to the car. All of this is in the visual material that was delivered,” he continued in his testimony.

His lawyer spoke of “targeting”.

The accused doctor did not appear in court and was represented by an attorney. Through his lawyer, he submitted a request to postpone the trial, in order to conduct a medical expert opinion, but this was rejected. In his plea, his defense attorney denied all wrongdoing, and citing, among other things, the previous statements of the 31-year-old’s relatives, said that his client has been suffering from lower back problems since the age of 15.

He said that the police officer was “targeted” because of his ability to serve in key positions in the past. He characterized as false what was transmitted about his principal about his work the previous summer in a store in Mykonos. “He was found on this particular island in 2018-2019, serving there in a police station,” he noted.

The prosecutor of the seat had also requested his guilt earlier, while it is noted that a separate case is being filed against the private doctor who allegedly gave him the medical opinions.


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