Theses of the month: “LNG: transitional solution or headlong rush?”

2024-04-25 06:30:49

To support you and provide you with ever richer information, Techniques de l’Ingénieur is joining forces with the National Network of Doctoral Schools – Engineering Sciences (REDOC SPI). Each month, our partner selects theses linked to our monthly file in order to allow you to delve further into the themes developed in the file.

For our January report, “LNG: transitional solution or headlong rush? », here are the theses selected by the REDOC SPI. Find the summary of these theses as well as the theses of previous months on our partner’s website.

Dynamic study of cryogenic heat storage systems for their application in reliquefaction and gas management in LNG transport vessels
Ghiwa Shakrina
Doctoral thesis in Energy and process engineering, defended on 12/17/2021
Systems Energy Efficiency Center

Russia faces the challenges of the new natural gas market, debates and issues
Olga Gerasimchuk
Doctoral thesis in Economics and societies, defended on 04/01/2021
Europe-Eurasia Research Center

Studies of phase equilibria at low temperatures and kinetics for the optimization of the natural gas liquefaction process
Wen hwa Siah
Thesis project in Energy and process engineering, since 03/10/2022
Thermodynamic Process Center

Flexibility in the natural gas market
Amina Baba
Doctoral thesis in Economic Sciences, defended on 10/23/2020
Dauphine Economics Laboratory

Methods and models for the feasibility study of ships powered by liquefied natural gas
Jonas Thiaucourt
Doctoral thesis in Energy, Thermal, Combustion, defended on 09/30/2019
Hydrodynamics, energy and atmospheric environment research laboratory

Investigation of phase equilibria at low temperatures including molecular solids: application to LNG production
Salem Hoceini
Doctoral thesis in Energy and process engineering, defended on 10/12/2021
Thermodynamic Process Center

Characterization and modeling of the mechanical behavior of woven structures at cryogenic temperatures
Christian Kamdem Signe
Doctoral thesis in Mechanics of solids, materials, structures and surfaces, defended on 06/20/2019
Lille Mechanics Unit – Joseph Boussinesq

Modeling and numerical simulation of the loading behavior of liquefied natural gas in an LNG tanker tank
Ibrahim Sory Noba
Doctoral thesis in Process, Product and Molecular Engineering, defended on 12/21/2018
Reactions and process engineering laboratory

Economic analysis of energy poverty. The case of Ivory Coast
Arouna Diallo
Doctoral thesis in Economic Sciences, defended on 16/12/2020
Center for studies and research on international development

Liquefied gases as alternative solvents for eco-extraction of natural products
Vincent Rapinel
Doctoral thesis in chemistry, defended on 06/29/2018
Safety and Quality of Plant-Based Products

#Theses #month #LNG #transitional #solution #headlong #rush



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