Theses of the month: How to integrate plastic materials into a circular economy?

To support you and provide you with ever richer information, Techniques de l’Ingénieur is associated with the National Network of Doctoral Schools – Sciences For Engineers (REDOC SPI). Each month, our partner selects theses in connection with our monthly file in order to allow you to dig deeper into the themes developed in the file.

For our February dossier, “How to integrate plastic materials into a circular economy? », Here are the theses selected by the REDOC SPI. Find the summary of these theses as well as the theses of the previous months on the site of our partner.

Circular economy for carbon fiber composites: from aeronautical waste to recycled carbon + thermoplastic composites
Yang Shi
Doctoral thesis in Mechanics, defended on 21-04-2022
Institute of Mechanics and Engineering of Bordeaux

Study and engineering of plastic depolymerization enzymes for the development of biodegradation and biorecycling processes
Maher Ben khaled
Doctoral thesis in microbial and enzymatic engineering, defended on 06-01-2022
TBI – Toulouse Biotechnology Institute, Bio & Chemical Engineering

Recycling of large fiberglass polyester composite parts by lamination
Arbia Nouigues
Doctoral thesis in Energetics, thermal, combustion, defended on 31-03-2021
Thermal and Energy Laboratory of Nantes

Innovative catalytic methods for the reduction of carbon-oxygen bonds applied to the reductive depolymerization of oxygenated plastics
Maria Kobylarski
Doctoral thesis in Chemistry, defended on 06-12-2022
Nanosciences and innovation for materials, biomedicine and energy

Contribution to the recycling and recovery of plastic materials from waste electrical and electronic equipment containing brominated flame retardants
Layla Gripon
Doctoral thesis in Chemistry, Polymers, Materials, Materials Science, defended on 15-12-2020
CERI Materials & Processes

Short circuit recovery of thermoplastic waste for the design by 3D printing of composite structures
Pavlo Javier Alexander Santander Wall
Doctoral thesis in industrial systems engineering, defended on 11-12-2020
Research team on innovative processes

Recycling of plastics by chemical modification of thermoplastics
Violette Mohring
Thesis project in Physics and chemistry of materials since 01-09-2020
ESPCI School of Industrial Physics and Chemistry of the City of Paris

Extension and upgrading of a pilot production of alternative fuels from plastic waste
Shawky Mazloum
Doctoral thesis in Energetics, Thermal, Combustion, defended on 22-10-2021
Laboratory of process engineering – environment – ​​agro-food

Anaerobic digestion of biodegradable plastics: performance and microbial diversity
Guillaume Cazaudeh
Doctoral thesis in Physiology and biology of organisms – populations – interactions,
defended on 11-03-2022
Institute of Analytical Sciences and Physico-Chemistry for the Environment and Materials

A novel pathway to recover hydrocarbons from polyethylene residues through the combustion-driven pyrolysis process
João Ferreira Duke
Doctoral thesis in Sciences of the Earth and Solid Planets, defended on 24-02-2021
Institute of Fluid Mechanics of Toulouse



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