These tests for women are prescribed only to extract money, the gynecologist explained.

Analysis for ureaplasma

Ureaplasma spp and Mycoplasma hominis are opportunistic pathogens that cause urethritis. It is them that commercial laboratories love to look for, and gynecologists are happy to write out referrals for tests. It’s interesting that these bacteria are detected in almost all people, regardless of gender and age. As for women’s health, the presence of ureaplasma and mycoplasma in the vagina is the norm, – gynecologist Melanya Mailyan explained to Doctor Peter.

The doctor explained why doctors give women referrals for these tests.

When there is a positive analysis, there is always something to treat, says the gynecologist. — It is very profitable, especially for private medical centers. After the patient has been treated, he will be sent to take everything again. And so it can go on ad infinitum although it is not necessary to destroy these bacteria. Ureaplasma does not cause harm to health if there are no clinical manifestations.

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