These photos capture unforgettable moments between mothers and their babies on the day of delivery

2023-11-15 11:03:15

From the trying phase of childbirth, to the memorable meeting between the baby and his mother, including the emotional look of the father and the ritual of preparing the newborn, photographers often have the honor and privilege of capture every moving moment, discreetly. The fruit of their fabulous work is then preciously revealed in a sumptuous book of memories. Today, in this article, we invite you to stop time and dive into the heart of these intimate and touching moments.

Spotlight on the highlights in the delivery room

Scroll through our photo gallery to try to capture the quintessence of these special and unique moments, all immortalized by talented photographers.

Photographer: Laura Fifield

A mother giving birth – Source: spm

Look at the baby's photo

Look at the baby’s photo – Source: spm

A dad with his newborn baby

A dad with his newborn baby – Source: spm

Parents : Tim and Lila

Baby : Audrey Joy

Lieu : Spokane Hospital, Washington (USA)

Laura Fifield immerses us in the intimacy of these new parents, through sublime black and white photos.

« Be present at the birth of their baby was stimulating and moving. Lila and Tim had prayed and waited for this moment for so long. Witnessing their story and seeing their dream finally come true was an extremely touching moment. “, she confides.

Photographer: Joanna Moore

A little girl touches her pregnant mother's belly

A little girl touches her pregnant mother’s belly – Source: spm

A newborn

A newborn – Source: spm

A newborn

A newborn – Source: spm

Parents : Emilly et Joey

Baby : Vanessa

Lieu : Orlando Hospital, Florida (USA)

Joanna Moore tells us a wonderful story through her striking photos. The little girl who can’t wait to see the arrival of her little sister, the infant in the bathtub, soothed and relaxed in the hollows of her mother’s belly…

« On September 30, 2016, at 7:30 a.m., I received an emergency phone call informing me that Emilly was having strong contractions. I rushed to get there so as not to miss anything…However, it was a long day trying to achieve cervical dilation. Becky, the midwife, decided to put a sling on the mother-to-be’s stomach: the sling pushed the baby down to help Emilly relax more quickly. Becky then played meditation music to improve the conditions of childbirth. She and her team then filled the bathtub to install Emilly…45 minutes later, the baby was born. It was magical ! “, she remembers.

Photographe : Courtney Elizabeth

A mother breastfeeds her baby

A mother breastfeeds her baby – Source: spm

A mother gives birth to a baby

A mother gives birth to a baby – Source: spm

Parents : Elizabeth and Cole

Baby : Connor et Dominic

Lieu : Fort Worth Hospital, Texas (USA)

What’s more wonderful than the birth of twins? Here, the photographer captured intense moments, including double breastfeeding. And how can you not be overwhelmed by this incredible shot of the cesarean section where the mother sheds a tear?

« When moms give birth naturally vaginally, they have the opportunity to watch and touch their baby as it comes out of their wombs. As for mothers who give birth by cesarean section, they often entrust me with the task of capturing this moment. Most of the time, these women cannot see what is happening during the operation unless special arrangements are made. Having that connection is priceless, seeing how their body nourished and developed their child, and then welcoming the baby “back to earth” is priceless. Elizabeth, the new mother, was a real star that day and Cole, her husband, supported her throughout thechildbirth. It was an indescribable joy to be part of their team », declares the photographer.

Photographer: Dana Ofaz

A mother holds her newborn baby

A mother holds her newborn baby – Source: spm

A newborn baby

A newborn baby – Source: spm

Foot of a newborn baby

Foot of a newborn baby – Source: spm

Parents : Liat et Oren

Baby : Yael (this is their fourth child)

Lieu : Chaim Sheba Medical Center in Ramat Gan, Israel

No two births are the same. Although she has already given birth to three other children, this mother has experienced a whole new adventure and her emotion is truly palpable. With her baby in her arms, we feel the depth of her love and the intensity of her joy. And isn’t this little wrinkled foot adorable following a nice relaxing bath?

« Thanks to Liat’s unique personality, the birth of her baby was quick, smooth and natural. It was a beautiful moment filled with laughter, joy and happiness. I really like this photo: her beauty, her smile, the joy in her eyes, her excitement… all captured in a single image. It was one of the most beautiful moments of this working day », raconte Dana.

Photographer: Brooke Hughes

A mother holds her newborn baby

A mother holds her newborn baby – Source: spm

A dad holds his newborn baby

A dad holds his newborn baby – Source: spm

Parents : Morgan et Wes MacDermott

Baby : Gage

Lieu : Home birth in San Diego (USA)

So much love, delight and exaltation in these black and white photos! Skin to skin, sometimes with mom, sometimes with dad, this adorable little baby brings joy to his parents. And these particularly poignant photos speak for themselves.

« I had never experienced a home birth and, I admit, I was a little worried at first before starting this adventure. But, strangely, I quickly felt safe. Everything went wonderfully. Before giving birth, when she was having strong contractions, Morgan was really brave and kept in constant contact with her baby. Her husband, as well as the two future grandmothers, delicately rubbed her feet, arms, head and back. I myself have intervened a few times! There is something special regarding this type of birth: the team spirit is very strong, everyone helps each other and it is love that takes precedence over everything else…and, we must also recognize that women are real heroines, their power is extraordinary », emphasizes Brooke.

Photographer: Melissa Jordan

A mother holds her newborn baby

A mother holds her newborn baby – Source: spm

Parents : Missy and Abrem DeWitt

Baby : Open

Lieu : Home birth in Columbia City (USA)

As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. Brilliantly, the photographer captured this magical moment, just following giving birth, between the mother and her baby. Nothing like it to leave us speechless and dreamy…

« Missy was very calm and focused during labor. After diving into her birthing ‘pool’, she used a wealth of essential oils to relax. And, even when the contractions became more difficult, she knew how to remain calm and serene. At the fateful moment, busy behind my lens, I had not yet even realized that labor had been triggered. It all happened so quickly. Until the moment I saw baby Abrem come out of the water with the help of his mother and the midwife. It was memorable! », says Melissa.

Photographer: Veronica Yankowski

A dad and his children

A dad and his children – Source: spm

A newborn baby

A newborn baby – Source: spm

Parents : Jeff and Danielle Sherfer

Baby : Jaxon Rayne

Lieu : Valley Regional Hospital, Ridgewood, (USA)

So touching to see this dad’s pride surrounded by his three children. We love the reaction of the two elders: the curiosity of one and the playfulness of the other. And how can you not fall in love with the heart-shaped lips of this wonderful little angel?

« Jeff and Danielle are such a special family. Having a third little boy was incredibly exciting, especially since his big brothers, Brayden and Liam, mightn’t wait to meet him. This shoot took place completely unexpectedly: at the beginning, I was told that I would not be able to participate, because it was a cesarean section. So, I planned to wait in the background. But, at the last minute, when I was giving birth, the nurse let me in to see the miracle happen before my eyes. Honestly, I cried…uncontrollably », recalls Veronica with emotion and nostalgia.

Photographer: Jeanni Dunagan

A newborn baby

A newborn baby – Source: spm

Parents : Holly et Russ

Baby : Easton

Lieu : Portland Hospital, Oregon (USA)

Even if we love color photos, imbued with realism and authenticity, we must admit that black and white photos have something even more moving and timeless. It’s hard not to be sensitive to this adorable moment of intimacy: the baby’s tiny hand tightly squeezing his daddy’s finger. We may have seen this scene millions of times, but it will always have its effect…

« After a few short hours of labor, which Holly managed magnificently, she gave birth to a beautiful little boy. Baby Easton immediately settled in for some skin-to-skin contact, never wanting to leave his mom’s warmth. The joy and love for this newborn was incredible to see… », says Jeanni.

Photographe : Heather Bode

A newborn

A newborn – Source: spm

A little girl kisses her mother

A little girl kisses her mother – Source: spm

The feet of a newborn baby

The feet of a newborn baby – Source: spm

A newborn baby

A newborn baby – Source: spm

Parents : Veronica Schneider et John Buck

Baby : John Neilan

Lieu : Sacred Heart Hospital in Pensacola, Florida (USA)

Moving little family album captured by the photographer. The measurements, the baby’s footprints, the infant’s little cry, the little girl’s tender kiss to her mother…each of her photos tells a beautiful story.

« One of my favorite aspects of photography is capturing some of life’s truest and most honest moments. Seeing the family stand by Veronica and provide support and comfort, the doctor and nurses working as a team, the joy that filled the happy parents as they saw and held their son for the first time, gazing at their adorable little girl Aubrynn at the moment when she met her new little brother and covered him with kisses…these are the authentic moments that mark me the most in my work! “, Heather explains enthusiastically.

Photographer: Sarah N. Case

Weighing a newborn baby

Weighing a newborn baby – Source: spm

Parents : Amy and Aaron Lenter

Baby : Imogen Frances

Lieu : Hospital in Washington, DC (USA)

Yes, weighing the baby is also part of the ritual following childbirth. There’s no question of missing it, it’s such a cute moment to immortalize!

« Amy gave birth by cesarean section. And, it must be said that it was quite laborious, the doctors sweated a little during this delivery. When the baby was born, everyone saw that his cord was wrapped and tied three times around his neck. No wonder childbirth was so difficult! In fact, they rushed her to the NICU to be intubated. Amy’s gynecologist was really concerned regarding Imogen’s heart and initially considered transferring her to the Children’s National. Ultimately, the little one stayed there for less than an hour. A few days later, she returned home in good health. The emotion was at its peak! », says Sarah.

#photos #capture #unforgettable #moments #mothers #babies #day #delivery



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