These juices contain ingredients that help lose weight

These drinks are ideal for losing weight, along with a healthy diet and regular exercise.

Courtesy | A balanced diet should accompany the consumption of these juices

The task of losing weight is complicated, since most people love to enjoy an unhealthy meal, or one with a high fat content. Regular exercise is also avoided, so bad habits are established when addressing the health of the body.

Despite this, leading a healthy life is not only advisable, but necessary. Maintaining an ideal weight is something that can only be achieved with certain steps of proper eating, and the discipline of planting the right habits in the routine.

And, since at this moment natural drinks are very fashionable, both fruit and vegetable juices and also infusions, since many of these help to cleanse the body, to improve the digestive system. And, what is better, they are ideal for losing weight, along with a healthy diet and regular exercise.

Whatever juice you decide to drink, it is important that you accompany it with a balanced diet, away from fats, junk food, soft drinks and alcohol (moderate consumption), and since there is nothing miraculous when it comes to losing weight, it is important Do some physical activity at least three times a week.

Juice to cleanse the colon and lose weight in 7 days
This juice to lose weight and cleanse the colon in seven days, you should only take it during those indicated days, twice a day, without skipping any meal of the day, including healthy foods and also drinking 8 glasses of water daily.

To prepare the juice to lose weight and cleanse the colon in seven days, you need the following ingredients, to prepare two glasses of juice, which are the ones you will drink during the day: a slice of pineapple, half a cucumber (for salad), 1 apple (red or green), 1/2 aloe and the juice of an orange.

Divide the pineapple slice into squares. Wash the cucumber very well and cut it into slices with everything and peel. Wash the apple and remove the core, and cut it into squares without removing the peel.

Take the stalk of an aloe vera and divide it in two so that you use only half in the preparation of the two glasses of juice for the day, remove all the gel and add it to the blender.

Add a glass of water in the blender and add the ingredients little by little so that they blend well and finish by adding the orange juice.

Natural smoothie to flatten the abdomen
This smoothie to flatten the abdomen, in addition to being delicious, will help you cleanse the body, eliminate toxins and get rid of those little love handles that bother you so much. However, it is important that you accompany any of these shakes with a healthy and balanced diet, constant water consumption and some regular physical activity.

To prepare this smoothie to flatten the abdomen, you only need: A piece of aloe vera gel without shell and without thorns of approximately 5 centimeters and half a lemon with peel and without seeds.

Add these two ingredients to the blender and process them until it is like a kind of punch.

Drink it in the morning on an empty stomach and wait 60 minutes to have something healthy for breakfast.

The ideal is to prepare each smoothie and drink it immediately, so that it does not lose its properties and does not turn sour due to the lemon peel.

juice burns fat
You are on a weight loss regimen, exercising regularly, eating well, etc., however you want something natural that will help you burn fat, eliminate toxins and help you have more energy to perform tasks from day to day. This juice is ideal for it.

To prepare this fat burning drink you need the following ingredients: 1 cup of blueberries, 1 cup of cold green tea, 1/2 banana, 5 pineapple cubes, 1/4 cup of oat flakes, 1/4 cup of spinach and 1/2 cup of low-fat yogurt.

Add all ingredients to blender and process until fully blended.

You will get approximately three glasses of juice, which you should drink throughout the day, you can have a glass on an empty stomach before breakfast or for breakfast, a glass in the followingnoon as a snack and a glass at night before going to work. bed.

You must accompany it with a healthy diet, regular exercise and water consumption throughout the day.

Juice to reduce inflammation of the stomach
This smoothie is ideal for those moments when you feel bothered by stomach bloating, it will also improve your digestion and prevent other stomach problems.

To prepare this delicious juice you will need the following ingredients: 1 Cup of chopped papaya, 1 tablespoon of flaxseed, 2 cups of water, 2 tablespoons of raw oats and 1 teaspoon of honey.

Take all the ingredients to the blender and mix them very well.

Drink the shake on an empty stomach for a week and enjoy its properties.

Juice to lose 2 kilos in a week
You have a special event and you want to look spectacular in that dress that you have saved for a long time and that because of those extra kilos you have not been able to put on once more: So, this juice is for you.

You will need the following ingredients: half a cucumber with the peel (the one used for salads), 2 tomatoes with the peel, 1 stalk of celery and a glass of water

To make this juice, first of all, wash the ingredients correctly and then cut them into small pieces and mix them in the blender.

Drink in the morning for breakfast and refrigerate the rest of the juice, to drink it at night for dinner.

Green smoothie of the famous to lose weight
Celebrities consume this green smoothie to lose weight throughout the day, but it is best to drink it only twice a day and consume plenty of water to eliminate toxins, fluid retention and hydrate your body.

The ingredients that you will need to prepare the shake of the famous to lose weight, are the following (recipe for two glasses): a pound of spinach, 1 Cucumber (the one used for salads), 1 Pear, juice of a lemon and mint or mint leaves.

Wash all the ingredients very well and put them in the blender, adding a glass of water.

Blend very well until all the ingredients are incorporated. Do not strain the preparation and drink it twice a day, a glass in the morning and another at night.

juice to burn fat and lose weight
This juice recipe to burn fat and lose weight, in addition to being very beneficial when it comes to fighting body fat, will also hydrate you because it contains very fresh and delicious ingredients. It is also very economical and most of the ingredients we have at home.

You only need (recipe for two glasses): two cups of strawberries, one cup of watermelon or watermelon and two ripe tomatoes.

Pour the chopped ingredients into the blender and blend until all the ingredients are blended.

It is important that you do not add water to the preparation, so if you like it cold, it is advisable to put the strawberries and watermelon in small pieces in the freezer overnight and then prepare the juice as I mentioned before. You will see that it will be frozen, refreshing and delicious.

It is also recommended not to add sugar to the preparation, since the idea of ​​the juice burns fat is to consume it 100% natural.

It is also important to add that this juice must be consumed once it is prepared, since over time it loses its properties.

This fat burning juice should be consumed in the morning on an empty stomach, at night before going to sleep and if you wish during the day, as many times as you wish.

However, for people who suffer from gastritis it is recommended to only consume it in the morning and at night.

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