These institutions offer legal advice to the people

Some institutions They provide a helping hand to those who need to carry out any legal advisory task, without it having a serious impact on their pocketbook.

In this regard, specialists are available to offer their legal advice, whether it be to process a divorce, proceed with the purchase of a property or other properties, as well as assistance in succession or inheritance matters.

This was confirmed by Helme Aliendo, Second Provisional Judge of the Trial for the Protection of Children and Adolescents of the Judicial District of Carabobo State.

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Institutions help citizens

In conversations with 2001, Aliendo referred to Article 2 of the National Constitution, which establishes that:

“Venezuela is a democratic and social State of Law and Justice, which advocates as superior values ​​of its legal system and its actions, life, liberty, justice, equality, solidarity, democracy, social responsibility and, in general, the preeminence of human rights, ethics and political pluralism.”

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“That is why we have the Ombudsman’s Office, which has delegations at the national level that are responsible for ensuring human rights and guaranteeing the protection of citizens. In Venezuela, the Ombudsman’s Office offers free legal advice to all citizens,” explained the specialist.

The Public Defense Service also has regional offices nationwide that provide advice on all matters.

“Since it has Public Defenders in criminal, civil, labor, agrarian matters for the protection of children and adolescents, tenancy, among others,” added Aliendo.

These Public Defenders usually process various requests, for example, the creation of records.

“There are documents for sales, divorces, the operation of cooperatives, non-profit associations and foundations,” he said.

Added to this is the division of inheritances and travel authorizations for children and adolescents, whether within the national territory or beyond the border.

It indicates that these carry out “all procedures that a freelance lawyer carries out.”

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What should I have on hand?

At the outset, it is worth noting that these institutions They usually work from Monday to Friday, from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm.

Furthermore, it is important that citizens requesting legal advice have their respective identification documents on hand.

“As is your identity card. In the case of purchase-sale documents, it is important that you carry the ownership document of the property you intend to sell. If you are going to file for divorce, you must have your marriage certificate. The requirements will vary depending on the procedure to be carried out,” explained the legal source.

Finally, Helme Aliendo encouraged Venezuelans to turn to these government agencies to consolidate all their pending legal issues.

“Let them come with complete confidence to these institutionssince they have professionals prepared to assist and advise them in the best way possible,” he said.

On the other hand, it is worth highlighting that the Ombudsman’s Office has its headquarters in Caracas, which is located in Plaza Morelos, on Mexico Avenue.

Interested parties can also contact this entity by phone (0212) 507.70.06 – 507.70.40; or communicate to the email addresses [email protected] / [email protected]

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2024-08-17 19:48:19



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