Noa Moussa, edited by Alexandre Dalifard
Faced with inflation and a further increase in prices expected for 2023, more and more French people are turning to the second-hand market, both to sell and to buy. Some second-hand product applications have even seen their number of users double.
Faced with a new price spike expected in 2023, more and more consumers are turning to the second hand. Seller or customer, more and more French people are turning to the second-hand market. This is the case of Hippolyte, a 27-year-old graphic designer. “I moved in a month ago. I wanted to furnish my entire apartment with little means, with eco-responsible products if possible. And indeed, I went to the Youzd website which allowed me to having access to all this, household appliances and furniture. So obviously, it was super interesting”, he underlines.
Reductions of 50 to 80%
Hippolyte is far from the only one to bet on the second hand. Boris Forconi is the spokesperson for Beebs, an application selling second-hand products for children. “Today there are more than a million parents who use the application. This is four times more than a year ago. And the second hand is something that is increasingly coming into customs. In addition, there are all the difficulties of purchasing power. When you know that on the application you find reductions that range from 50 to 80% compared to new products, inevitably you will turn to these new ways of consuming,” he explains.
For Boris, there is no doubt that the number of users of the application will double this year.