These common foods that are too high in salt to avoid for your heart health

2023-10-07 13:30:57

Salt is a commonly used ingredient to enhance the flavor of foods. However, excessive salt consumption can have adverse health consequences, including increasing the risk of heart disease. Here are the foods richest in salt to avoid and the healthier alternatives to choose.

Common foods high in salt

Most people consume more salt than they realize, mainly due to the amount of salt found in packaged and prepared foods. Here is a list of common foods that are high in salt:

Breads and rolls: Bread is a staple in many diets, but it can also be an important source of sodium. Commercial breads and rolls often contain a high amount of salt to improve flavor and extend shelf life.

Pizza : Pizza is a dish enjoyed by many people, but it is also high in sodium. Dough, tomato sauce, cheese, and salty toppings can all contribute to pizza’s high salt content.

Sandwiches : Sandwiches are a convenient meal choice for many people, but they can also be high in sodium. Cold cuts, like ham, bacon and sausages, are often loaded with sodium for preservation.

Cold meats and cold meats : Cold meats and cold cuts, such as ham, bacon, hot dogs and sausages, are often high in sodium. These products are usually treated with salt to extend their shelf life and improve flavor.

Soups : Canned and prepackaged soups are often high in sodium to improve flavor and shelf life. Even soups that seem healthy, like vegetable soups, can contain high amounts of sodium.

Savory snacks : Chips, pretzels, and crackers are all examples of snacks that can be high in sodium. These snacks are often eaten in large quantities, which can lead to excess sodium consumption.

Chicken : Chicken is a lean protein source, but when prepared in a fried, breaded or roasted manner, it can contain a significant amount of sodium.

Cheese : Cheese is another common source of sodium in the diet. Processed cheeses, soft cheeses and cheese sauces are often high in sodium.

Eggs and omelettes : Eggs and omelets are staple foods for many people, but they can be high in sodium if salt or high-sodium seasonings are added.

Sauces et condiments : Sauces, marinades and salad dressings can also be high in sodium. Foods such as soy sauce, prepackaged pasta sauces, and salad dressings can all contain high amounts of sodium.

The risks of excessive consumption of foods high in salt

Excessive salt consumption can lead to several health problems. Here are some of the risks associated with excessive consumption of foods high in salt:

High blood pressure : Excessive salt consumption is a major risk factor for high blood pressure, which can increase the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Heart disease : High salt intake may contribute to the development of heart disease, including coronary heart disease, heart failure, and cardiac arrhythmias.

Osteoporosis : Excessive salt intake can lead to loss of calcium in bones, which can increase the risk of osteoporosis and fractures.

Kidney problems : The kidneys have difficulty eliminating excess sodium, which can lead to increased strain on the kidneys and kidney problems.

Obesity : Excessive salt consumption can contribute to obesity, as foods high in salt are often high in calories and can promote overeating.

Stomach cancer : Studies have suggested that high salt intake may increase the risk of stomach cancer.

It’s important to note that not everyone is equally sensitive to sodium. Some people are more sensitive to the harmful effects of sodium on blood pressure and heart health than others. It is therefore advisable to consult a healthcare professional to determine sodium intake recommendations specific to your situation.

Alternatives to foods high in salt

Reducing the consumption of foods high in salt can benefit your health. Here are some healthier alternatives to foods high in salt:

Avoid adding salt to your dishes: Rather than adding salt when cooking or at the table, try using salt-free seasoning blends, citrus fruits, herbs and spices to enhance the flavor of your dishes.

Opt for fresh or frozen vegetables : Fresh or frozen vegetables are naturally low in sodium. Avoid canned vegetables, which are often high in sodium, or rinse them with water to remove some of them.

Choose lean meats : Opt for lean meats, such as skinless chicken, turkey and lean cuts of beef. Avoid cold cuts and processed meats that are high in sodium.

Make your own soups : Make your own soups using fresh ingredients to control sodium. Use vegetables, herbs and spices to enhance flavor.

Choose healthy snacks: Look for snacks that are low in sodium, such as unsalted nuts, seeds and fresh fruit. Avoid chips, popcorn and crackers.

Make your own sauces and dressings : Avoid high-sodium prepackaged sauces and dressings by making your own using olive oil, vinegar, and herbs and spices.

Oopt for low-sodium bread alternatives : Look for low sodium breads

Reducing the consumption of foods high in salt benefits your health, especially heart health. Common foods such as bread, pizza, sandwiches and lunch meats are often high in sodium. By opting for healthier alternatives, like lean meats, fresh vegetables, and low-sodium snacks, you can reduce your sodium intake and improve your overall health. Remember to consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice on your sodium intake.

* PRESSE SANTÉ strives to transmit health knowledge in a language accessible to all. Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES can the information given replace the advice of a health professional.

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