These are the worst passwords – What to watch out for – 2024-04-12 03:23:05

These are the worst passwords – What to watch out for
 – 2024-04-12 03:23:05

Strong passwords to our personal accounts protect us from sophisticated hackers who want to breach our personal data.

According to relevant research, a very easy and common code can be “cracked” in less than a second, while even slightly more complex, but common codes require regarding three hours.

In the survey conducted on behalf of NordPass, the password management tool by the company NordVPN, the most common password among 35 countries for the past year was “123456”.

Here are the 20 most frequent codes in Greece for 2023:

1. admin

2. 123456

3. 123456789

4. 12345

5. user

6. 12345678

7. 1234

8. 111111

9. 1234567890

10. password

11. katerina

12. 1234567

13. 11223344

14. A1B2C3D4E5

15. 000000

16. 1234qwer

17. giorgos7

18. Password

19. kalamata


At the same time, globally, the most common passwords were the following:

1. 1232456

2. admin

3. 12345678

4. 123456789

5. 1234

6. 12345

7. password

8. 123

9. Aa123456

10. 1234567890

However, you can follow some useful tips to have strong passwords:

Don’t use common words that can be easily hacked.

Never use information regarding yourself in your passwords that people who know you can easily guess (eg date of birth)

Create a password of at least 12 characters.

Make sure your password contains a mix of upper and lower case letters, numbers, symbols and special characters.

Don’t use the exact same password on all your online accounts.

Do not use passwords that consist only of numbers and symbols.

Do not reuse your password.

Use unusual words that only you know and don’t make sense to other people.

At regular intervals (eg 3 or 6 months) passwords should be changed.

Make sure your password doesn’t include keyboard-derived combinations like qwerty.

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