These are the new characters in the series. Who’s who?

HIT is back and it does so with a cast full of new facesIn the first chapter of the third season, you can see how Hugowho has decided to enter a detoxification centre to treat his alcoholism, enters bewildered and meets the companions who will accompany him. Each character faces a different disorder, which has led them to different addictions. To Hugo’s surprise, they are all quite young and each chapter will focus on the story of one of them.

Meet the characters

In this new stage, Hugo will have to open up and express his feelings, something that scares him quite a bit. Daniel Grao He once once more plays the protagonist who only thinks regarding saving others, forgetting that the one who needs help the most is himself. However, he will encounter shadows from the past who have unfinished business with him: Hugo runs into Lena in the center, the student who marked him in the first seasonand with whom he still has nightmares. Lena, played by Carmen Arrufatis regarding to leave the center because the therapist considers that he has improved enough to go out into the outside world, something that “Hit” will question.

Lena and Hugo face to face in chapter 1 of HIT 3

Alejandro Jato is Raul

A young and inexperienced therapist, who has earned his place in heaven thanks to his patience and his good heart. He wants to listen to and help his patients, but they will make things very difficult for him, pushing him to the limit on some occasions. He struggles to control the whirlwind of emotions that will engulf him as a result of his therapies with patients. and will be caught in a constant dilemma because he does not know how to act.

Alejandro Jato poses as Raul

Andy Duato is Nora

Andy makes his debut in front of the cameras in HIT 3playing Noraa girl with great emotional deficiencies who is addicted to sex and certain drugs. Her difficult childhood has made it difficult for her to create healthy relationships and her story will move the entire therapy group. Raúl will have a really difficult time with her, coming to question whether or not he is worthy of being a good therapist.

Andy Duato poses as “Nora”

Roger Sahuquillo is Marc

Roger embodies the character of Marc in HIT 3. Being the center of attention is Marc’s favorite hobby, A textbook narcissist who, as a veteran, will help Hugo to integrate into the center, although his instability will end up playing tricks on him. He is insecure and has a terrible fear of people judging him. Roger has participated in productions such as Sky Red o The laws of the border.

Roger poses as “Marc”

Francisca Aronsson is Abi

Delicate and sensitive, Abi hides a double personality inside that makes her hear voices that only exist in her head. She is diagnosed with schizophrenia and also suffers from alcoholism, due to family problems he develops a shy personality that he tends to evade through drinking. Francisca Aronsson, Peruvian and Swedish actress, She will be the one who gets into Abi’s skin and is known for her role in the films of Margarita y The Las Cumbres boarding school.

Francisca Aronsson poses as “Abi”

Ton Vieira is Tom

Tom is an alcoholic and has had a confusing adolescence, He also suffers from a tremendous guilt complex. With problems controlling his emotions, he tends to be impulsive and lose his temper. Despite everything, he is eager to heal and gives himself completely to be able to forgive himself.

Ton Vieira poses as “Tom”

Carlota Trueba is Julia

Being his first project on television, Carota interprets in HIT 3 a Juliaa teenager obsessed with influencers and is greatly affected by social media, one of the causes of the bulimia she suffers from. She has a constant need to be the center of attention and influence people. At the same time, she carries a very large wound in her self-esteem, caused by the imposed canons of beauty.

Carlota Trueba poses as “Julia”

Mitch Martin is Israel

Israel is a quiet and conspiracy theorist boy, obsessive but good-hearted. He hides a great need to love and be loved. His paranoia makes him isolate himself from the world, but he will not lack the desire to turn things around to gain control. Mitch, in addition to being a composer and guitarist in the band Boston Babiesmakes his television debut as an actor in this installment of HIT.

Mitch Martin poses as “Israel”

Miranda Gallego is Yol

A trans woman struggling to overcome several suicide attempts and find herself. Although she is as lost as the others, her sensitivity makes her worry regarding calming her companions and acts as the “mommy” of the group. Miranda Gallego also makes her debut on the screen with HIT 3playing this character from whom we will learn so much.

Miranda Gallego poses as “Yol”

Juan Grandinetti is Christian

Christian carries on his shoulders the trauma of abuse he suffered in his childhood and that has him blockedHe is hermetic and quiet, he doesn’t like the limelight and it will be difficult for him to reveal his problems and emotions. He lies to himself to survive in his own head. Grandinetti is Argentine and comes from doing theater and film in his native country, in Spain he appears in productions such as Counting sheeps o Mom not on social media .

Juan Grandinetti is “Christian”

Josito Peña is Sergio

A firefighter who worked on the Tajogaite volcano eruption and who suffers from post-traumatic stress. It is “better than bread” and we will see in it a great willpower to evolve and get ahead following having been addicted to some drugs. Josito is an actor with extensive training and has worked in series such as Elite, Sky Red and in the movie Rainbow.

Josito Peña Poses as “Sergio”

In addition to the third season of HIT, which has eight episodes, on RTVE Play you will find the two previous seasons and, in addition, series, films and documentaries that have just been added to the catalogue.



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