These are the most important news on Wednesday

  • Woman from Mühlviertel disappeared in Almtal: “Hope is gone”: A woman from Mühlviertel disappeared without a trace on June 30th while hiking in the Almtal. What happened remains a mystery. The search continues. >> To the OÖNplus article
  • Funding report: Lots of money for parties and their countless organizations: The state’s funding report has been published: It contains information on the funding for the parties and their front organizations. >> To the OÖNplus article
  • Drank a liter of vodka: 14-year-old lost consciousness in Lake Traunsee: Dramatic scenes took place on Tuesday followingnoon on the shores of Lake Traunsee: After an alcohol binge, a 14-year-old girl was in danger of drowning in Lake Traunsee. >> Go to Article
  • Vamed: The good and the bad capitalists and the populists: The planned break-up of the Vamed Group is being hotly debated, but objectivity is falling by the wayside. >> To the OÖNplus article
  • Will the Upper Austria League be expanded?: The new competitive season in the lower house of football will kick off once more next weekend with the first round of the state cup. An important decision has already been made regarding the relegation battle in the Upper Austrian league. >> To the OÖNplus article
  • How the Steyregg parish church wants to get rid of the woodworm: The Steyregg parish church will be freed from woodworm next week, and citizens can also take advantage of the opportunity and have their infested wooden furniture and figures treated. >> To the OÖNplus article

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