These are the foods that will help you reduce soreness

Playing sports is beneficial for both physical and mental health. However, this is usually accompanied by some feared companions: the laces. An uncomfortable sensation that can last for several days but does not pose a risk to the body.

These arise when you change your exercise, when you start playing sports or when you have not exercised for a while and you return to it. appear between 24 and 48 hours following practice in question and can last up to seven days.

The cause of the soreness is the increase in muscle work and they cause micro ruptures which are necessary for muscle tissue to be stronger and more elastic. As Dr. Pedro Manonelles explains through Cinfathis condition is a widely recognized clinical entity and is called muscle soreness of late onset, also known by its acronym in English DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscular Soreness).

According to Manonelles, the best way to treat soreness is continue with the sports activity, albeit reducing the intensity. If the pain does not subside or is especially acute, he recommends resting for a day or two. Also, physical therapy such as unloading massages and gentle stretching are often a good remedy.

Foods that reduce soreness

To make the body recover better and faster, some foods that have healing properties can be incorporated into the diet. analgesic and anti-inflammatory.

  • Fruits like pomegranate and watermelon

The granada It is a source of potassium and provides powerful antioxidants that slow cell deterioration and act as natural anti-inflammatories. The watermelon hydrates and has L-citrulline, an amino acid with analgesic properties. others like the banana they stand out for their high richness in potassium or as the piñawhich helps eliminate toxins and promotes the absorption of micronutrients.

One of the most indicated to achieve a faster recovery, is that when exercising, the levels of vitamins and minerals decrease and it is essential to replenish them. All citrus fruits are rich in this vitamin, as well as kiwi, peppers and broccoli.

Oranges, like other citrus fruits, are rich in vitamin C.Pxhere

Rich in Omega 3, which is a natural anti-inflammatory, so it will help mitigate the effect of stiffness. Among this group are tuna, salmon, sardines or herring.

Some infusions such as chamomile have anti-inflammatory properties, so drinking one a day can have positive effects. As for spices, pepper favors the protection of the joints.

It is an amino acid that promotes muscle recovery. It can be found in chicken, eggs, shellfish, some fish, and brewer’s yeast.



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