These are the amazing new features coming in Season 3 of the game

These are the amazing new features coming in Season 3 of the game

New monsters, weapons, and mechanics are set to enhance the Capcom and Niantic game

Monster Hunter Now, the Capcom and Niantic mobile game where players hunt monsters, is set to launch a substantial update of new features when Season 3 begins on September 12th. This update addresses various aspects of the game by introducing new monsters that have not yet appeared, adding a new category of weapon, and implementing new game mechanics for a more engaging experience.

New monsters: Magnamalo, Rajang, and Aknosom debut

Season 3 of Monster Hunter Now, titled “The Curse of the Wandering Fire!”, will expand the collection of monsters in the mobile game. The newly added monsters include the fearsome Magnamalo and Rajang, along with the more approachable Aknosom. However, it’s not just collaboration events; new monsters are also making their way into the game!

This new assortment of monsters notably features creatures that debuted in Monster Hunter: Rise. Rajang is a classic series beast, while Aknosom and Magnamalo (the latter being the flagship monster of the game) were first introduced in Monster Hunter: Rise. It’s an expected move, given that Mizutsune was one of the featured monsters in Season 2 of Monster Hunter Now.


Monster Hunter: Rise featured Magnamalo as its flagship monster

The Heavy Crossbow arrives

One notable absence from the extensive range of weapon categories in Monster Hunter Now was the Heavy Bowgun, but this will soon change. Starting September 12, the Heavy Crossbow will be among the playable weapons, allowing players to craft various types depending on the materials they gather from monsters.

While the weapon system cannot be entirely symmetrically transferred from the Monster Hunter series to Monster Hunter Now, there are significant similarities in combat styles, available movements, and strategic combat management. Therefore, if you enjoyed using the Heavy Crossbow in the main series, you’ll likely have a positive experience trying out this weapon in the mobile game developed by Capcom and Niantic.

Heavy Crossbow

With the introduction of the heavy crossbow, hunters will gain a new method to tackle monsters.

Additional news for Monster Hunter Now Season 3

Monster Hunter Now Season 3 not only brings new monsters and the Heavy Crossbow but also a new trailer that will be available on September 12th. Players can expect more surprises, including the following:

  • The kitchen is introduced: Monster Hunter Now includes one of the series’ most iconic features—the ability to cook food before heading into battle. These meals will provide special benefits as well.
  • New skills to acquire: With the arrival of new equipment in Season 3, players will also discover new skills to complement the new armors and weapons.
  • Changes in monster spawns: Monsters such as Odogaron, Basarios, Khezu, Radobaan, Banbaro, and Tzitzi-Ya-Ku will no longer appear in the Tracker or the field. Conversely, Black Diablos, Pink Rathian, Azure Rathalos, Coral Pukei-Pukei, and Zinogre will stop appearing in the field.
  • New medals: While they may not be essential for gameplay, these medals will showcase players’ dedication to monster hunting.
  • Season Pass 3: If you haven’t claimed your rewards from Season 2, it’s best to do so before September 12th, when the new Pass and its Premium Pass will become active.

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New Monsters, Weapons, and Mechanics Coming in Season 3 of Monster Hunter Now

Monster Hunter Now: Discover the amazing new features coming in Season 3 of the game

Monster Hunter Now, the mobile game developed by Capcom and Niantic, is set to unveil an exciting array of features when Season 3 kicks off on September 12th. This newest season promises to enrich the gameplay experience with a roster of new monsters, a brand-new weapon, and enhanced game mechanics designed to deepen player engagement and strategy.

New Monsters: Magnamalo, Rajang, and Aknosom Join the Fray

Season 3, titled “The Curse of the Wandering Fire!”, introduces a thrilling selection of monsters that will challenge hunters in unprecedented ways. Players can look forward to encountering:

  • Magnamalo: Recognized as the flagship monster of Monster Hunter: Rise, this beast is a formidable foe with unique abilities.
  • Rajang: A classic monster from the Monster Hunter series, known for its ferocity and speed.
  • Aknosom: A relatively accessible monster for hunters to engage with, offering a balance of challenge and excitement.

These additions emphasize the focus on monsters that debuted in Monster Hunter: Rise, enriching the existing roster and providing players with new hunting experiences. Notably, previous seasons featured renowned creatures like Mizutsune, ensuring a consistent evolution of challenges for players.


Monster Hunter: Rise had Magnamalo as its flagship monster

The Heavy Crossbow: A New Weapon in Your Arsenal

In an exciting update, Monster Hunter Now will introduce the Heavy Crossbow to its weapon lineup. This long-awaited addition will provide players with new strategic options for battle, allowing customization depending on the materials collected from various monsters.

The Heavy Crossbow maintains similarities with its counterpart from the core Monster Hunter series, enhancing familiar gameplay mechanics while adding novelty. Players who enjoyed utilizing the Heavy Crossbow in prior titles will find this transition seamless, as they adapt to the distinct style of mobile gaming.

Heavy Crossbow

With the arrival of the Heavy Crossbow, hunters will have a new way to fight monsters.

More Features Coming in Monster Hunter Now Season 3

Alongside new monsters and the Heavy Crossbow, Season 3 of Monster Hunter Now unveils several other exciting features that enhance gameplay:

  • The Kitchen Feature: One of the series’ most beloved elements, cooking will be introduced. Hunters can prepare meals that grant special benefits before they embark on hunts.
  • New Skills to Learn: New equipment in Season 3 will also introduce fresh skills, adding depth to armor and weapon management.
  • Changes in Monster Spawns: Some well-known monsters will bid farewell, including Odogaron and Basarios, while creatures like Black Diablos and Pink Rathian will make their appearances.
  • New Medals: Aesthetic triumphs for hunters, these medals will commemorate achievements in hunting.
  • Season Pass 3: Players should redeem their Season 2 rewards before September 12, as the new pass, including a Premium version, will commence.

Benefits of the New Features

The forthcoming updates in Monster Hunter Now not only promise to enhance the game’s depth but also provide numerous benefits:

  • **Variety in Gameplay**: Adding new monsters and weapons offers players diverse challenges, keeping the game dynamic and entertaining.
  • **Enhanced Strategy**: The new Heavy Crossbow allows for strategic play styles, appealing to both new and veteran players.
  • **Increased Engagement**: Features like cooking and skill upgrades will encourage players to invest more time, creating a richer game experience.

Practical Tips for Season 3

As Season 3 approaches, players can prepare by taking the following steps:

  • Familiarize with New Monsters: Research the weaknesses and strengths of Magnamalo, Rajang, and Aknosom to optimize hunting strategies.
  • Gather Materials: Stock up on resources to craft the Heavy Crossbow and develop various ammunitions.
  • Plan Cooking Strategies: Experiment with different ingredient combinations to discover meals that boost performance in battles.

Join the Monster Hunter Community

Engaging with the Monster Hunter community can elevate your experience in the game. Connecting with other players via platforms like Facebook, WhatsApp, and Twitter (X) can provide insights and tips. Consider joining forums or Discord servers where players discuss strategies, share experiences, and coordinate hunts.

Stay updated with all the changes and enhancements coming to Monster Hunter Now by following Andro4all on Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter (X), and checking out our Telegram channel.



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