These are the 5 most effective fitness exercises you can do at home to lose belly

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One of the good things that the pandemic has brought us is the increased physical activity in our country. In Spain, according a study by the Spanish Society of Community Nutrition, 30% of the population practices more exercise now than before the outbreak of Covid-19. The change in trend also It has been noticed in the place chosen to play sportssince homes and outdoor spaces they have been gaining ground to the gyms. Therefore, we present these 5 routines you can do wherever you want.

This extreme has served to demonstrate that, following certain guidelines and adapted to our physical form, we can tone up and strengthen our muscles from the living room of our house and no additional materials. succeed in establishing a daily exercise routine y combine it with healthy eating it takes us away from a sedentary lifestyle and improves our health, just as advise from the Spanish Heart Foundation.

One of the main obstacles that we find, besides laziness -which we can combat with this Japanese method that we had already told you regarding—, is the lack of time and that, precisely, ceases to be an excuse when we have set up the gym on our floor and we can practice at the time that best suits us. Also exist several very useful and free applications that will give us extra motivation if we need it. For now, here we encourage you to try these 5 fitness exercises to do at home.

Burpeesthe whole exercise

The worst nightmare of those who start exercising and the best ally to keep us in shape. With them major major muscle groups are exercised, such as the chest, back, or thighs; but also the smaller auxiliary muscles of the torso, shoulders and arms. Working so many parts of the body is what makes them exhausting, but also effective. She starts standing, leaning her trunk forward and bending her knees until our hands rest on the ground. In a jump we will take our feet back to be in a plank position and do a push-up. We jump once more to place the feet on either side of the hands. We get up and finish with a vertical jump raising the arms above the head.

Abdominal hypopressives

Another of the exercises to do at home that is gaining more followers every day, especially women who want to recover and prevent the weakening of the pelvic floor. They are also perfect for having a flat stomach in a short time, but they require technique. The breathing is key and should be trained for the exercises to be done correctly. We can do them by lying down on a mat with our knees semi-flexed and our pelvis tilted, taking in air through our nose and slowly releasing it through our mouth, counting to six, and noticing how our belly hardens. On the third breath, when we have released all the air, we will hold at least 8 seconds without breathing once more, with the tongue glued to the palate, and we will take the opportunity to carry out at that moment the type of hypopressive abdominal that we have chosen.


Although it may not seem like it, the plates are essential for get ripped abs and a flat stomach. This is one of the simplest and most effective exercises that strengthens the entire body, but especially the trunk, back, legs, buttocks, chest and shoulders. Improve posture and help prevent back pain, in addition to reducing waist. Lying on a mat, the forearms are placed on the floor in parallel, with the elbows under the shoulders and the hips completely straight. The center of the body must be tense and pull the navel to exhale, maintaining a straight line.

Jump rope

A return to childhood can become one of the best fitness exercises you can do at home with the only help of a rope. We work with it all the muscles of the body and also our coordination, being one of the best routines to strengthen cardiovascular resistance. Among the many combinations that exist, we can jump first with both feet together, keeping the ankles and knees relaxed to absorb the impact. One minute during the first days will be enough to then gradually increase the time.


perfect for train the triceps and pectoral muscles, push-ups can also be done at home without problems. To start, we will lie down on the chest and abdomen, with the arms at an angle and the palms of the hands stretched out on the floor next to the chest, with the elbows pointing backwards in a natural position that does not damage the shoulder. The exercise begins by lifting the body up, moving away from the ground until the arms are extended and slowly returning to the starting position until touching the surface once more. As in planks, you have to keep your body tight (shoulders, hips and heels) to be as effective as possible.

As we always remember, it is important warm up before doing any exercise and also a back stretch, not only to avoid injuries, but also to make the activity as beneficial as possible for our body. Likewise, depending on our state of form, we have to measure the intensity of the tables and the number of repetitionsalways from less to more.

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