These are some home remedies to relieve cough

Natural options must be accompanied by a medical prescription in aggravated cases.

Despite what many people think, coughing is a good thing in certain cases. This is usually a mechanism to detect some type of external agent that enters the body through the respiratory tract, either in small quantities such as a dust particle or a mass of air towards the lungs.

This is almost always an involuntary reflex. In this process, the glottis plays a fundamental role as it contracts until it closes, keeping a large amount of air in the lungs and in the chest cavity.

The set of all these pressures causes the contraction of the diaphragm, the opening of the glottis and the expulsion of air towards the outside, thus producing the cough. Sometimes this expulsion can be accompanied by phlegm, blood or even vomiting.

On many occasions, cough is the symptom of a permanent or seasonal allergy or due to exposure to highly polluted areas.

Avoid coming into contact with areas where there are chemical residues such as toxic gases and smoke.

Sudden changes in temperature can also cause the appearance of cough as well as emotional factors caused by anxiety, nervousness or tics, such as psychogenic cough.

Smoking (including passive smoking) and drug use favor the onset of cough that can become chronic.

Home remedies
An excellent home remedy for cough is guaco juice with carrot, which, due to its bronchodilator property, is capable of relieving cough with phlegm and promoting well-being. In addition to this remedy, there is another one, which is ginger tea with lemon, which is indicated for dry coughs due to its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic action.

To complement these home remedies, you can also drink a glass of water at room temperature with 1 tablespoon of honey, as it helps hydrate the vocal cords, calming the entire region of the throat and thus reducing the cough reflex.

However, it is important to go to the doctor to identify the cause of the cough and guide the most appropriate treatment depending on the case.

Dry cough
To treat dry cough, an excellent home remedy is ginger tea with lemon, because it has anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce irritation of the throat and lungs, decongesting the airways and relieving dry cough.

This tea can also be used as a home remedy for children’s cough as it has no side effects in children.

Its preparation is simple, and only 140 g of ginger root, the juice of 3 lemons and half a liter of water are enough.
Then you have to boil the ginger and water over low heat until the mixture is reduced to half the initial volume.

Remove from heat, strain and squeeze the juice from the lemons. To sweeten you can add 1 teaspoon of honey.

Drink 1 tablespoon of this tea every 4 hours, while the cough persists.

In the case of children under 1 year old, the spoonful of honey should not be added, because they are not capable of processing it.

cough with phlegm
A home remedy option for cough with phlegm is guaco juice with carrot, because it has bronchodilator and expectorant properties, helping to eliminate excess phlegm and allowing you to breathe better.

In addition to this, if peppermint is added to the juice, an anti-inflammatory action is obtained that reduces cough due to its antitussive effect, mainly in cases of flu, bronchitis or asthma.

Among the ingredients you will need regarding five guaco leaves, a carrot, a tablespoon of honey and two branches of mint.

You have to place the ingredients in the food processor or blender. Next, strain the juice and sweeten it with a tablespoon of honey.

20 mL of this juice should be ingested several times a day.

Another good homemade option for cough with phlegm is thyme infusion, since it has expectorant properties, helping to release phlegm and strengthen the immune system.

allergic cough
To relieve allergic cough, it is possible to use some medicinal plants such as nettle and plantain, because they contain soothing properties that help relieve throat discomfort and consequently cough.

For the infusion you need regarding 200 ml of water and a tablespoon of nettle leaves.

The tea is then prepared by simply placing the nettle leaves in the water and letting them boil for 5 minutes.

Next, strain the infusion, let cool and drink two cups a day. If you want you can sweeten it with 1 tablespoon of honey.

Natural options to treat cough should not exclude medications prescribed by the doctor, especially in cases of allergic cough that is treated with antihistamines.

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