these are its benefits to delay aging and prevent osteoporosis

The soursop is a tropical fruit that hides in its interior a set of vitamins, mineral salts and antioxidants.

Likewise, on different occasions it has been stated that some native communities in the world have used the seeds of this fruit for the management of malaria and other parasites.

Soursop delays aging due to its excellent antioxidant properties, that help increase resistance to that process.

In addition, this fruit helps prevent osteoporosis due to its nutritional components, such as phosphorus, calcium and iron. These three nutrients are important to strengthen bone health and thus prevent osteoporosis. Soursop also helps treat anemia.

In this sense, soursop becomes one of the foods that cannot be absent in a healthy diet.

Benefits of soursop

  • Improves the immune system: Due to the combination of substances that this fruit contains, such as the various vitamins and minerals, they allow the body to remain alert to any bacteria or virus.
  • Rich in vitamin C: For every 100 grams of this fruit, a total of 20 milligrams of vitamin C is consumed. The body needs a total of 60 milligrams daily, which is equivalent to regarding 300 grams of soursop.
  • Increases energy: Thanks to its micronutrients, it improves metabolism and increases energy. In this way, its consumption is ideal for those who feel chronic fatigue, or those who are in periods of stress.
  • Prevent hemorrhoids and relieve pain: Health specialists assure that soursop juice drinks, They are also good for curing hemorrhoids, lower back pain and helping to regulate appetite.
  • High fiber content: Another benefit of soursop is that it is rich in fiber, which helps digestive health, because it improves the functioning of the intestinal tract and helps fight constipation.
  • Reduces insomnia: This is due to the fact that soursop has in its composition elements that promote relaxation and drowsiness.
  • Keeps the body hydrated: The content of soursop, specifically the pulp, is mostly water, which keeps the body hydrated during the day, providing energy, which helps the body function properly.
  • Protects the nerves and the heart: The content of vitamin B1 that this fruit possesses is capable of accelerating metabolism and blood circulation, preventing nerve damage and central nerve disorders. In addition, by containing vitamin B2, it reduces fat storage and allows the proper functioning of the heart in the body.
  • Prevents bacterial infections: Soursop has been part of natural medicine for a long time, since if it is applied on a wound or cut, it allows faster healing and prevents infections.
Soursop – Foto: Getty Images

How to consume soursop?

Regarding its consumption, the first thing to do is check its maturity through touch; if it is soft it is time to enjoy it. The next step is to cut it in half and then use a spoon to eat its pulp.

It is also worth noting that this fruit is very versatile, so it can be used to prepare juices, smoothies, yogurt and even ice cream.

However, the consumption of soursop is not recommended for pregnant women, people with mumps or sores in the mouth, as the acidity of the fruit might cause pain.

Finally, they advise that this fruit should not be consumed by people with low blood pressure, since one of its side effects is to lower blood pressure.



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