These activities to practice to reduce the risk of dementia

Leisure is often a source of pleasure and entertainment. But they would also be incredibly beneficial to our health, especially in the fight against dementia, according to a meta-analysis published in the journal of the American Academy of Neurology this Wednesday, August 10. (source 1)

American researchers analyzed 38 studies involving 2 million people. After three years of follow-up, almost 75,000 of them ended up developing a form of dementia.

A risk of less than 17%

Using this data, the researchers found that people who participated in leisure activities had a 17% lower risk of dementia than people who did not.

The activities requiring some thought would be the most effective. Those who practice it on a daily basis reduce the likelihood of suffering from cognitive decline by 23%. This category includes in particular reading, writing, television, musical instruments, the use of a computer or even crafts.

As for sports activities, such as running or yoga, they reduce the risk by 17%.

Social activities

But another form of recreation could benefit brain health. Indeed, the study indicates that individuals participating in social activities see their risk of dementia decrease to 7%. Ces…

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