Almost one in five French people would have too high cholesterol. To reduce it, it is essential to modify your diet. In this article, the editorial staff of Objeko has decided to list the foods that you absolutely must avoid. Are you ready to know everything? Well, let’s go.
The danger of cholesterol
To begin with, the editorial staff of Objeko, you advise to pay close attention to cholesterol. Indeed, it can be said that when it is above the norm, it can be dangerous for your health. In particular, it can lead to cardiovascular problems. In other words, cholesterol particles block the arteries causing poor blood circulation. The excess of cholesterol is not a disease in itself but a risk factor for other diseases of the heart and blood vessels. It is better to be careful.
When you eat, you must therefore know the difference between good fats (in olive oil for example) and bad ones (in cooked dishes). But not only. It is also necessary to make the difference between good sugars (in fruits), bad ones (sweets). Today, let’s see what are the foods that we all eat but which should be banned from our diet so as not to increase cholesterol.
Foods that destroy the arteries
In general, it can be said that all packaged and processed products are the number one enemies of health. But some are more than others. So what we can tell you is to avoid overeating cheese and dairy products in general. Why ? Well, because of the high concentration of fat and sugar. Condensed milk should be avoided in your diet. Consume parmesan, pecorino and brie in moderation, which are those that contain the most cholesterol.
Fatty cold cuts such as salami and mortadella, but also red meats such as beef are also to be avoided. Again, because of the high amount of fat. But beware, only certain red meats are richer than others in lipids and cholesterol. Instead, opt for the meat White. We think in particular of chicken, veal, turkey or rabbit. It’s just as good, right?
Avoid fries and mayonnaise
Finally, be aware that you should avoid eating fries and mayonnaise as much as possible. Indeed, due to the large amount of oil and fat they have, it is best to avoid them. Even more so in pregnant women. To maintain a healthy cholesterol level, it is therefore advisable to replace saturated fat with unsaturated fat. But not only. You should also vary your diet, making sure to consume fruits, vegetables and fiber. It’s your turn.