These 3 tips increase fertility

Studies show that a healthy, balanced diet can have a positive effect on fertility and the desire to have children: a healthy body that is supplied with all the nutrients offers the best conditions for pregnancy.

You should pay attention to this if you want to become pregnant

1. Cook yourself

And if we’re honest: something homemade just tastes a lot better, if only because we know which foods have been processed. Pizza and Co. often contain a lot of sugar, unhealthy fats, emulsifiers and thickeners. In addition, the nutrient content is very low. Folic acid, vitamin E, zinc, vitamin D, selenium and omega-3 fatty acids are among the nutrients that are particularly important for fertility.

In the video: Unfulfilled desire to have children: These can be possible causes

An unfulfilled desire to have children can put a heavy strain on a partnership. For many couples, it takes longer than you think before they successfully conceive. This video explains how much waiting for the desired child is normal and what causes can be hidden behind a non-pregnancy.



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