These 10 healthy foods that will prevent you from losing weight

You are ready to start your food rebalancing, or you have already started it, and you are only consuming healthy foods. However, some of them, which are good for your health, are high in calories and can prevent you from achieving your goals. It will therefore be necessary to consume them… in moderation! Fourchette & bikini helps you see more clearly regarding these 10 healthy foods that will prevent you from losing weight.

Why are some healthy foods fattening?

While many foods are good for your health thanks to their vitamins, minerals and antioxidant content, they can also be calorie-dense and prevent you from to lose weight. Knowing them will allow you to consume them in moderation. It is not a question of eliminating from your diet products that are good for your health and your body, but of identifying those which can be the cause of weight gain if they are consumed in excess.

1- Fruit juices

What’s healthier than fruit juice? All the more so if it is in a hurry and homemade? 100 ml of fruit juice provide between 40 and 70 kcal. Coconut milk, on the other hand, contains 230 kcal. We are not even talking regarding industrial fruit juices, which are sometimes rich in added sugars and additives. Moreover, 100 ml of an industrial fruit juice provide as many calories as the same volume of a well-known soda. In the case of a diet, the fruits the lowest calories are red fruits (strawberries, raspberries, blackcurrants), apples (highly satiating), citrus fruits (grapefruit, orange, lemon) or melon.

2- Les smoothies

At breakfast and at tea time, the smoothie seems to be the drink ideal! Composed of fruit (in juice or whole, mixed), a dairy product (or similar) and seeds or nuts (chia, almonds, etc.). Smoothies therefore seem perfect for health. You can use milk, yogurt or vegetable milks or silken tofu and many fruits to make them. At first glance, these foods are quite healthy. Yet the caloric intake remains high. 100 ml of milk provide 45 kcal, 100 g of yogurt provide 60 kcal and 100 g of silken tofu provide 52 kcal. And we must not forget the calories brought by the fruits! The smoothie can be good for your health, have a fat-burning or even draining effect, but you should not neglect the calorie intake and consume too much and too often.

3- Raw vegetables

Raw vegetables are rich in fibers. The latter tend to swell the belly and thus prove to be counterproductive when it comes to losing weight. Avoid cabbage in particular and favor cooked vegetables. This will reduce the risk of bloating. Vegetables such as cucumber, tomato, zucchini, fennel, celery, spinach, or eggplant and peppers will be more suitable for keeping a flat belly.

4- The lawyer

Avocado, like guacamole, remains a fatty product. 100 g of this fruit contains 160 kcal. It also contains potassium, vitamin K and fiber. Although it is a fatty food, it does not contain cholesterol or sodium. Avocado helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

5- Olive oil

Olive oil, rich in omega 9, has excellent virtues. It would protect once morest cardiovascular diseases and certain cancers, would be hydrating, would soothe irritations, would nourish dry hair… However, an oil is still an oil! 1ml contains 9 kcal. It therefore remains a good product for cooking, but it should not be abused, especially when making your salad dressings. The same is true for all oils (rapeseed, sunflower, flax…).

6- Dried fruits

Dried fruits are delicious in a collation. They allow you to feel wedged with just one handle. However, they are up to 6 times sweeter than fresh fruit due to the dehydration process.

7- 0% products

The 0% products or lights, such as sodas, yogurts, fresh cream… are highly processed products. Some are rich in additives, others, low in fat, are higher in sugar. Finally, low-sugar products are often higher in fat. Consequently, they should be consumed in moderation. You can also read the labels to identify the contributions of each product.

8- The muesli

100 grams of a granola industrial provide 470 kcal. This is higher than 100 grams of unsweetened popcorn flakes (360 kcal). You can also make your own muesli. You will have more control over proportions and calories. A homemade granola is made up of cereal flakes (oats, wheat, rye, quinoa…), seeds and nuts (pumpkin seeds, almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, pistachios, pekan nuts…) oil, honey, agave or maple syrup or any other sweetener and spice. Even if it is only composed of healthy products, muesli is still calorie-dense.

9- Nuts

Allowed nuts, we can mention walnuts, hazelnuts, cashews, almonds or Brazil nuts. Those oilseeds are rich in protein and fatty acids. If consuming a small handful each day is recommended by the PNNS (National Health Nutrition Plan), it should still not be abused. 100 grams of walnuts or Brazil nuts provide 655 kcal, 100 grams of almonds contain 576 kcal and there are 623 kcal in 100 grams of hazelnuts. It is better to add them to a cottage cheese or a preparation than to plunge your hand into the package without being able to stop!

10- Dark chocolate

Rich in magnesium, it helps to fight once morest fatigue and nervousness. It would regulate the nervous system, protect the heart and arteries, reduce hypertension, boost memory or improve sleep. However, 100 grams of 70% dark chocolate would provide 572 kcal. Be content with one square a day so as not to see this delicacy settle on your hips.



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