these 10 foods to eat moderately for better digestion

Do you regularly suffer from abdominal discomfort and swelling? Stomach bloating is an unpleasant feeling that can cause more than just general discomfort. Identifying the foods responsible for your bloating might be the first step to taking charge of your health and feeling better. In this article, we’re going to introduce you to 10 of the most common causes of bloating. You can start to reduce your food intake to facilitate your digestion and improve your comfort!

  1. Dairy products :

Dairy products, such as cheese, yogurt, and ice cream, can cause bloating due to their high lactose content. Lactose is a type of sugar that many people find difficult to digest, leading to gas and stomach bloating. To reduce bloating, opt for lactose-free or low-lactose dairy products. Also, consider adding probiotic supplements to your diet, as they can help break down the lactose in dairy products more effectively.

  1. Processed foods:

Many processed foods contain artificial sweeteners and preservatives that can cause stomach bloating and gas production. Processed meats like bacon and hot dogs are notorious offenders, as they often contain high amounts of sodium nitrites or nitrates which act as preservatives, but also inflame the digestive system when eaten in large amounts. quantities. Replace processed foods with whole foods like oats, quinoa, fruits, and vegetables whenever you can.

  1. Legumes:

Beans, peas, lentils, and other legumes are great sources of fiber, but unfortunately can cause your stomach to bloat if eaten too often or improperly prepared. Soaking beans overnight can help reduce some of their bloating properties by releasing potentially gassy compounds like raffinose sugars into the water rather than your stomach, and cooking them thoroughly before eating them. If you still suffer from digestive issues following preparing legumes properly, try sticking to smaller portions until your body gets used to them.

  1. Cruciferous vegetables:

Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and other cruciferous vegetables are high in dietary fiber that can cause bloating if eaten too frequently or not chewed properly before swallowing whole. To reduce this risk, try cutting these vegetables into small pieces before cooking. Your body will break them down more easily during digestion, which will reduce gas production and your stomach bloating followingwards. Plus, adding spices like ginger or turmeric can help break them down more efficiently, so you can enjoy these nutrient-dense vegetables without having to suffer from nasty bloating later on!

  1. fructose:

Fruits like apples, grapes, cherries, and pears naturally contain a high amount of fructose. A natural type of sugar that some people find difficult to digest, causing their body to produce excess gas and bloat, leading to abdominal discomfort later on. If you experience this problem, try limiting your intake of fruity snacks or opt for low-fructose alternatives, such as bananas or mangoes, which are generally better tolerated by most people with no adverse side effects later. !

  1. Soft drinks :

Carbonated drinks like sodas and sparkling waters contain bubbles of carbon dioxide which naturally expand in the stomach upon consumption, which puts extra pressure on the walls of the stomach and causes it to swell considerably when consumed. over time if consumed excessively and regularly! To avoid this problem, replace these sugary drinks with non-carbonated options such as coconut water or herbal teas, which will give you many hydration benefits without having negative effects on your digestive system down the road!

  1. Food rich in select :

Excessive salt intake has been linked to increased water retention throughout the body, including in our digestive system, causing our bellies to swell rather uncomfortable soon following. It is therefore important that anyone who wants to avoid excessive bloating limits their consumption of salty snacks such as chips or crackers when possible!

  1. Sugar-alcohol:

Sugar alcohols are ingredients commonly found in sugar-free food products like candy bars and chewing gum. Because they provide a sweet taste without containing calories, which makes them an interesting choice when trying to lose weight. But what many people don’t realize is that consuming large amounts of these products can lead to serious symptoms of bloating. Especially in those who have difficulty digesting sugar alcohols efficiently!

To ensure optimal digestive health, simply opt for lower sugar alternatives whenever possible, such as dark chocolate instead of milk chocolate bars. If you fancy something sweet once in a while!

  1. Pain blanc :

White bread is a refined grain product made from wheat flour stripped of its outer layer of bran and germ. This process removes the majority of dietary fiber and other essential nutrients found in whole wheat grains. As a result, white bread has low nutritional value but is high in simple carbohydrates, which can cause blood sugar levels to rise rapidly. The digestive system works hard to digest these carbs quickly, which leads to gas production and a bloated feeling following eating white bread.

  1. Tomatoes:

Tomatoes are among the foods that can cause stomach bloating due to their high fiber content. Eating them in large amounts also increases the risk, as fiber can be difficult for your digestive system to break down. Additionally, tomatoes contain compounds like lectins and histamines that can trigger inflammation in some people and lead to increased gas production. Eating them raw can make it worse because your body needs more time to digest raw foods. In sum, a moderate consumption of tomatoes is advised if you are looking to avoid gastrointestinal problems.

* Presse Santé strives to transmit health knowledge in a language accessible to all. In NO CASE, the information given can not replace the opinion of a health professional.



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