there will be primaries between the PS and the FA and Del Pozo will go as an independent – ​​La Discusión 2024-04-25 22:26:38

The electoral period returned yesterday with surprises, with the registration of pacts and candidacies for primaries for mayors and governors in the sixteen regions of the country.

Throughout the day the parties moved names up and down the lists, and only in the afternoon there was some certainty regarding in which communes the June 9 elections would be held.

Finally, in Ñuble the ruling party (which brings together Democratic Socialism, the DC, the Frente Amplio, the FRVS, PL and PC), until the closing of this edition, had defined that primaries will be held in seven communes of the territory: Bulnes (DC-PPD-PR-RD), Chillán Viejo (PS and CS), Coihueco (DC and PR), El Carmen (DC-PS-PPD-CS), San Fabián (FRVS-CS), San Ignacio (PPD- PR) and San Nicolás (DC-PPD).

The cases of Coihueco and San Ignacio were still being negotiated last night in the Servel, to achieve a single candidacy. If primaries were not held, the PR said that its candidates – Luis Améstica and Wilson Olivares, respectively – would go directly to the ballot in October.

On the right, meanwhile, the elections in Coihueco (RN-UDI) and in Portezuelo (RN-UDI) were confirmed. Until last night, the holding of primaries in San Carlos was being negotiated.

Without a doubt, June 9 will be the election day in which the most communes will apply the resolution mechanism in Ñuble, since in at least six of the twenty-one communes, people will elect – through voluntary voting – the representatives of certain blocks.

The long day of Chillán Viejo

Without a doubt, the commune that kept the political world expectant was Chillán Viejo.

A few weeks ago, no one doubted that the current independent mayor, Jorge Del Pozo, would be the candidate of the official bloc, occupying a PR seat. However, a series of complaints of alleged sexual abuse brought about a series of blows in the negotiations, which even included a break within the radicalism, which was divided between those who defend the communal chief, and those who do not support him.

This internal dispute gave rise to other parties demanding their right to participate in primaries. Until yesterday, the PS carried a letter to the former mayor, Felipe Aylwin, who during his administration had to face a long trial for breaches of probity of which he was acquitted and a request for dismissal before the electoral court, which was also rejected.

The conglomerate’s idea was for Aylwin to face Del Pozo and a representative of the Frente Amplio in primaries (which was later determined to be the regional director of Integra, Felipe Opazo, of CS), an issue that the current mayor rejected.

“I have made the decision to go straight to the ballot. I do so with the conviction that we have done a good job and that my status as an independent could be an element that tips the balance in the negotiation process that the parties were developing. In order to avoid a problem for them, and to be direct and committed to democracy, as I have characterized myself in life, I left them free of action to continue the conversations, but citizens can now have the peace of mind that yes I will be an option in October,” he said.

Del Pozo thanked the Radical Party for wanting to include him on their list, as well as “other parties that have demonstrated and continue to demonstrate their support for this project. We do not want surprises, and therefore, we assume the same commitment that we signed in 2021: to work hard, facing the people, with clean hands and for all those who live in Chillán Viejo.”

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The candidate for re-election as an independent for Chillán Viejo also announced that in the next few hours the link will be available on the Servel page to be able to sponsor his option.

“Democracy is strengthened”

From the PS, councilor Rafael Palavecino, who will participate in the primaries, stated that “elections, in all their forms, constitute a republican act that strengthens democracy by allowing people to define their representatives. My commitment for many years in the commune, working side by side with the people, is reflected in my election as a councilor. Furthermore, I believe that the primary elections will play a crucial role in presenting options that provide new leadership to citizens. As an expert and resident of the territory, I am aware of the needs that our neighbors face, and I am confident that these primary elections will contribute to addressing those demands effectively,” he said.

He recalled that “whoever wins will be the official representative of our sector. Therefore, support is not in question. I am sure that the winner will have transversal support, since, as a coalition, we know that we are the ideal people to work for our community. In addition, we need to have trained individuals for positions, who represent tireless values ​​in management based on respect and dignity of each person and official in our community,” she asserted.

Palavecino maintained that “facing a sitting mayor is always a complex challenge. They have the advantage of having the entire municipal apparatus at their disposal. However, I am confident that the people of Chillán Viejo need management focused on solving the main needs of the community. To achieve this, it is essential to maintain constant contact with local people and organizations. The active participation of residents in management is essential. We must open the doors of the municipality, which have lately been closed to the community. Regarding the accusations against the mayor, we hope that they are resolved soon and that the victims find reparation and justice, if the case warrants it,” he stated.

Meanwhile, from CS, its regional president, Francisca Leyton, maintained that “as Frente Amplio we have always indicated that the candidacies we promote are from those colleagues who have a job that supports them, and we fully trust our colleague Felipe Opazo. We are always open to dialogue with the progressive parties, with whom we are convinced that we have a common political project that addresses the real needs of the residents of Ñuble,” she stated.

#primaries #Del #Pozo #independent #Discusión

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