there were rats in our dressing rooms”

Pierre-Jean, when Julien Cohen decided to leave “Case concluded”, you wrote on the networks that you were treated like dogs on the show…

It was a little joke (…) But it was a bit the truth. Sophie Davant, she allowed herself to arrive by motorcycle taxi. We were refused it following a year, supposedly because it was too expensive. Above all, it must be said, we didn’t even have a dressing room, we the buyers! Our dressing rooms were where Sophie Davant went to the toilet. We had a little fridge with mice and rats. We might not rest, if not in the decor. With the audience scores we had following a year or two, anyway… That’s why I said we were treated like shit.


You left the show because you were fed up, you say. Have you lost a lot of money buying various and varied items?

Yes. I bored myself following 4 years. And they had brought into the show caricatures of buyers who thought that by buying expensively they would be better known than me or Julien. I had more items than I needed! I lost money because I always paid too much. I am not a merchant, I am a collector. I still have a lot of “done deal” items in my room, by the way…

His salary in “Affaire concluded”, his song projects, his clandestine dinner, his “police custody”, his debut on television alongside Jean-Pierre Pernaut, his friendships in the middle with Hanouna and Morandini or his job for … Gianni Versace. And the future of his Vivienne palace and his next Napoleonic exhibition in Saint-Omer


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