“There is no room for racists and anti-Semites” –

Giorgia Meloni writes to the leaders of Fratelli d’Italia in the wake of the controversy raised by the Fanpage investigation into Gioventù nazionale. A long letter in which the prime minister and president of FdI reiterates that there is no room for racist positions in the party. “Dear leaders of Fratelli d’Italia, like many of you I am angry and saddened by the representation of us that has been given by the behavior of some young people of our movement filmed in private – we read in Meloni’s letter – I have said and repeated it dozens of times, but in case there was any need I will repeat it: there is no room, in Fratelli d’Italia, for racist or anti-Semitic positions, just as there is no room for those nostalgic for the totalitarianism of the 1900s, or for any manifestation of stupid folklore”.

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The prime minister reiterates that “the right-wing parties from which many of us come have already come to terms with the past and with the twenty years of fascism several decades ago and this is even more true for a young political movement like ours, which since its foundation has also made the choice to open up to political cultures compatible with ours, welcoming people who also came from political paths different from that of the historical right”. In this context, “Fratelli d’Italia has never been a movement turned to the past. We have always been interested only in the future of our nation. We are not as they would like to portray us. We are not and our boys from Gioventù Nazionale are not”, claims Meloni.

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The prime minister defends her “strong, healthy, colorful, curious and open” youth movement, whose members are the “first to be damaged by this ugly story. Precisely for this reason, there is no space in our ranks for those who recite a caricatured script useful only for the story that our adversaries want to tell of us”.

The Prime Minister recalls the official occasions in which FdI publicly condemned “all the dictatorships of the 20th century (Nazism, Communism and Fascism).” A dutiful and necessary step to overcome the hatred that has crossed Europe and look to a future of peace and freedom” and describes the political path of the party.

“I am convinced that the constant growth of Fratelli d’Italia is the fruit of our long journey. Of the fact that Italians see in us the political force that more than any other has the national interest at heart, and that more than any other defends the ‘conservative’ values ​​of the land, of life, of family, of freedom”, the president wrote to the leaders. “We cannot stop these attacks but we can do everything we can to be adequate to the role that Italians have entrusted to us. It is a tough game, a difficult battle, for which we must be willing to make many sacrifices. But it is also an exciting challenge, because we can be the change that Italians have been waiting for for a long time. We can be the crowbar for the end of power games, of lobbies, of the privileges of a few at the expense of the many – we read in the letter – We can be the beginning of the era of merit that comes before party membership cards, of duties that are not separated from rights, of freedom that needs responsibility, of value that needs to be demonstrated and is not earned by simple descent, of national interest that comes before partisan interest”.

And once more: “Whoever is not able to understand it, whoever has not understood this path, whoever is not in a position to keep up, cannot be part of Fratelli d’Italia. For all the others: remember what our task is, every day, every hour, every minute. It will take a lot of work, a lot of dedication, a lot of sacrifice. But if we are able to rise to the challenge, I promise you that history will remember us, that Italy will remember us, that every good person who has suffered the logic of friends of friends, of the little circles that decide for everyone, of double standards, of a world in which if you are part of a certain political current you have more rights than others, will say thank you for the courage and strength that we have been able to demonstrate. Feet on the ground, head held high, and gaze always, and only, turned forward”, concludes Meloni.

#room #racists #antiSemites #Tempo
2024-07-07 21:24:17



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