“There is no philosopher’s stone to look good in the MIR”

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Son 13,059 people which this year were presented to the MIR throughout Spain. Almost 300 pages of PDF collect their notes since last February 22 in Resident Medical Intern exam, a qualification with fierce competition that marks their lives: depending on their position, they can choose their specialty and destination. These four students from the University of Malaga are among the 250 best results in Spain and tell how they achieved it.

They sound happy, and it is not for less. EL ESPAÑOL from Malaga has questioned this golden quartet of the Faculty of Medicine of the UMA for their the beginning in the world of medicine, its tricks when facing the challenge of the MIR and its personal supports, one of the fundamental pieces for many of them.

This is how they see their career four of the brightest youngsters in the discipline in Malaga, and thus advise those of the next generations:

Gonzalo García, in a file image.

Gonzalo Garcia Marti

“The MIR is a bit of a lottery”

There is no Philosopher’s Stone to get a good result in the MIR; if not, someone would be making a fortune at the expense of it”, explains García, who has achieved the 129th best position in Spain in this promotion. For him, perseverance and hard work have been fundamental: “There where motivation does not arrive, discipline has to arrive“, appointment.

But that alone is not enough. “There are many people who have worked very hard, have worked as much or more than me, and then the results are not fair. The MIR is a bit of a lottery and many things influence it,” he says. He prepared for the exam with four other friends, among whom they helped each other both to resolve doubts and to encourage each other, and he tried to do “plenty of sports, to rest and break the monotony”: In his case, three times a week.

As a child, he did not dream of being a doctor, nor did he play with syringes or stethoscopes to heal dolls. “It was from 4th of ESO when the idea began to haunt me. When I entered in the race I still had doubts regarding whether I was wrong or not”, he recalls. With the passing of the courses, he fell in love with the discipline until he became one of the best positioned Malaga nationals in this promotion of the MIR.

“Obviously, it’s a long and tedious race. I have had moments of despair, but in general I think I have not been wrong, “says this former student of the Colegio Platero y San Estanislao de Kostka, who believes that he will end up opting for cardiology.

Gonzalo remembers that the publication of the notes of the MIR caught him alone at home. “I celebrated with my dogs, which they did not know anything but they were also very happy“Laughs Garcia, who doesn’t think it’s a definitive achievement either: “The order number doesn’t define how good a doctor you’re going to be either. There are other more important things, such as treating the patient. Being a good doctor goes much further “, he sentences.

Cristian Peláez, in a file image.

Cristian Peláez, in a file image.


Cristian Peláez Berdún

“The really important thing is to get the best”

He says that “although it sounds like a cliché, the MIR is a long-distance race“. Maintaining a line and a routine in which you intersperse breaks to “not get tired before time” was his philosophy to achieve 137th place, a position that allows him to choose between Neurology and Cardiology, the two specialties between which he still doubt.

“There is no more trick than that: to know dose efforts, be constant“, affirms Peláez, who says that keeping in mind the goal of achieving a place and a good position to be able to choose where to continue learning helped him face the day with optimism even in the worst moments.

When he came out of the exam, he did not know what to answer to those who asked him how he had done. “When we started seeing the first estimates, I didn’t believe it. I never expected that I would get such a good result“, he says: “It has been hard, but so much effort has been worth it”.

“Although perseverance is important, there are many opponents and each one has their own personal circumstances behind them. The really important thing is, within that context, to get the best out of oneself,” he clarifies: “We can help and find our place where we least expect italthough it is not the place we had in mind”.

Carmen López, in a file image.

Carmen López, in a file image.


Carmen Lopez Moreno

“I was always clear that I wanted to help”

She had always wanted to be a teacher, like her parents, but at the end of high school she turned to medicine: “I always knew that I wanted to help people“, he relates. And he would like to continue doing so through Psychiatry thanks to the 209th position he has achieved.

“Me I still can not believe it. My parents, my brother and such are all crazy with happiness”, explains Carmen.

His tricks? “Trust your work, trust your process, try to be as emotionally stable as possible, with an environment that makes you feel your best. I have had two magnificent companions: my partner and a friend. And above all, love you very much and have a lot of patience.

Diego Romero, in a file image.

Diego Romero, in a file image.


Diego Romero Requena

“The main thing has been to have a great atmosphere”

In 1st year of Baccalaureate, Diego He didn’t want to kill himself studying. He had always liked Medicine, but he hesitated at that time and did not get his act together until second grade. “In Selectividad I messed it up a bit and in the end I entered a year late,” says Romero, who also went through Physiotherapy. Today he is ranked number 223 in his national MIR promotion and everything indicates that he will be able to be a neurosurgeon, as he dreams of.

“To face the MIR, what I did was study by inertia. I was in Gonzalo’s apartment [García Martí] and we had a very good study environment. We asked ourselves questions, we might take a nap; when we needed to clear ourselves, that on top of that we all used to coincide, someone already had to say something stupid, because we were exhausted. That has helped me a lot to keep emotionally very very stable,” he stresses.

For that success that he considers shared, the celebration was also shared. The academy sent him an email with the result they estimated the same night he went out to celebrate that they had already taken the exam.

“I was with two friends on my way home, and I told them: I will be able to be a neurosurgeon. They hit a boat and were very happy. I lived that night with euphoria. I arrived a little happier than expected… “, she recalls.



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