There is Muklay and Auction of Young Artists’ Works at Canvas of Dreams Chillax Sudirman

Canvas of Dreams Festival.(Doc. Canvas of Dreams)

THE organization supporting young Indonesian artists, for the heARTS organization (FTHO), will hold Canvas of Dreams, an art market that will be held on August 24-25, 2024 at Chillax Sudirman, Jakarta. In addition to displaying various artworks from 24 young artists, this event also presents a talk show session, one of which is filled by renowned Indonesian visual artist, Muklay.

Canvas of Dreams is here as a platform for young artists to showcase their works, inspire the community, and also be a way for them to directly contribute to the development of art in Indonesia. The ages of the artists range from 12-30 years old.

In the talk show session, Muklay whose real name is Muchlis Fachri from together with Intan Anggita Pratiwie, co-founder of Setali Indonesia who is better known as a recycling artist and sustainable fashion. Both of them provided inspiring material related to their journey to be able to present interesting works on a global scale.

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Meanwhile, nine young artists whose works are displayed in the exhibition are Cleo Audrea Sunaryo, Nadya Emily Surya, Askia Esa Aulia, Biyan Fadila Umar, Feodor Evie Pranata, Nadine Fave, Denny Nugraha, Anindya Khairinnisa, Filbert Marciano Brentan. Their works will be auctioned to the public.

The proceeds from this auction will be donated as a form of support from FTHO together with young artists to share with those in need, under the auspices of Yayasan Kasih Mandiri Bersinar. More than just a donation, but FTHO will directly share knowledge and art inspiration through art class learning for children at this social foundation.

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Audrey Kurniawan, a young artist and Founder of the heARTS Organization, said that they wanted to create a platform for young artists to create, collaborate, and gain recognition.

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“Not only that, the proceeds from this event will be used to support arts development programs for the young generation of Indonesia,” said Audrey in a press release received by Media Indonesia, Tuesday, (20/8/2024).

“Canvas of Dreams is designed as a platform for young artists to interact directly with the public and art lovers, share the stories behind their work, and receive the appreciation they deserve. We also hold interesting art workshops, guided by experienced artists, to give participants the opportunity to develop their skills,” Audrey explained.

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