There is love and there is death.” – Al-Khabar electronic newspaper

Diwan issuance on the edge of the hair: There is love and there is death

Quoted from Al-Libi Magazine – Issue (47-October-2022)

The Palestinian poet Firas Haj Muhammad was published in Germany by Dar Badawi for publishing and distribution to its owner, the Sudanese writer and academic Dr. Muhammad Badawi Mustafa Diwan “On the Edge of Poetry: There is Love and There is Death.” The Diwan is located in (246) pages, and the cover of the Diwan is topped by a painting by the Sudanese plastic artist Muhammad Al-Otaibi, and designed by artist Bakri Khader.

The poet and novelist Hind Zeitouni was introduced to the diwan, describing the diwan’s poems as “humane, laden with beauty at times and pain at other times.” In addition to “the beauty of language, its uniqueness, and the boldness of proposition and expressions. Especially in his poems regarding love and women.

The Diwan’s poems varied between metered rhyme poetry, verbal poetry, and prose poem, and came to express many contemporary issues and self-concern, within a larger system that is the system of the world with all its ideas, people, entanglements, and complexities, and were distributed in five groups, the first of which came under the title “ In the quiver of a feather”, and it included (6) poems, in which the poet talks regarding poetry and inspiration, then a group of short poems under the title “Minimatures”, and it included (21) poems, in which he dealt with talk regarding intellectual, aesthetic and mythological issues.

As for the third group, it came under the title “Al-Allat: An Attempt to Overcome Language Barriers.” All these poems, which number 40, are dedicated to his friends, to a group of writers and poets, past and present, to Arab and foreign personalities, and to some women, so he mentioned the names of some of them, and that was enough. Sometimes by referring to some of them by mentioning two letters from their names or by describing what he gives to one of them. This group also included some poems written by female poets by the poet Hajj Muhammad. The poems are (10) poems, then another group addressed to a woman called “Sophie”, which amounted to (15) poems.

Among those to whom the poet addressed his texts: the lawyer Hassan Abadi, the writer Raed Al-Hawari, the poet Nidaa Younes, the Lebanese writer Madonna Askar, and the Egyptian academic Dr. Directed by the Lebanese artist Haifa Wehbe, and another to the character of Sayed, who co-starred with her in the film Halawat Rouh. Among the non-Arab personalities, the group stopped at the poet Angel Escobar, and Irma Garcia (the American teacher), who was killed in the attack on an elementary school in an American state.

The fourth group came under the title “In Praise of the Breast”, and it included (8) poems, and as for the fifth and final group, it included (16) poems in which the poet spoke regarding personal and general concerns during the quarantine during the spread of the Corona virus, and therefore the poet titled this group with “ In the prison of the nineteenth Covid.

And the collection of “On the Brink of Poetry: There is Love and There is Death” is the eighth collection of the poet Firas Haj Muhammad, and the twenty-fifth book, following a series of narrative and critical books. Its activities took place on October 19 last year (2022) and continued until the 23rd of the same month.

Among the poems of the Diwan, we choose this poem, in which he mentions the position of the writer Ghassan Kanafani on the frequent use of poets – with or without need – the exclamation mark called the “mark of astonishment”, and it is a critical position that Kanafani said in one of the articles of his book “Fares Faris”. The poem, which the poet is titled, says:To Ghassan Kanafani: Amazed, amazed” (Al Diwan, p 73-74)

How sweet is your erection, exclamation mark (!)

You are fit for everything

And you fix every strange meaning

And you become beautiful at the end of every short line


With every ugly and beautiful person

At all scenes of intimacy and delusion

When speaking is normal, the meaning becomes new

Rather, it is the solemn meaning

Then the thinking becomes greater

I am in love with you, my exclamation that accompanies me without asking: “Is it true or not?”

It is enough that you list the last sentence to give me the exclamation I want

To hide my strangeness between lines that are only suitable for you

Oh, an Arab invention that equals, or even surpasses, an apple that fell next to the philosopher

And more beautiful than a bitten apple of (Apple)

Finally: The Diwan will have a publicity and discussion symposium in Nablus during this month (January, 2023)

The issuance of a collection of poetry “On the Edge of Poetry: There is Love and There is Death” quoted by Al-Libi Magazine – Issue (47-October-2022) It was published by the Palestinian poet Firas Haj Muhammad in Germany by Dar Badawi for publishing and distribution to its owner, the Sudanese writer and academic Dr. Muhammad Badawi Mustafa Diwan “Ali The Edge of Poetry: There is Love and There is Death.” The Diwan is located in (246) pages. The cover of the Diwan was topped by a painting by the Sudanese plastic artist Muhammad Al-Otaibi, and designed by the artist Bakri Khader. The poet and novelist Hind Zaitouny was introduced to the diwan, describing the diwan’s poems as “humane, laden with beauty at times and pain at other times.” In addition to “the beauty and uniqueness of language and the boldness of proposition and expressions, especially in his poems regarding love and women.” Diwan’s poems varied between…

The Publication of a Divan “On the Brink of Poetry: There is Love and There is Death”

The Publication of a Divan “On the Brink of Poetry: There is Love and There is Death”


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