There is a website through which you can make good deals

Group purchases allow you to make great savings on your heating oil bill. There is also a company specializing in the field. Its name: Groupasol. Created in 2011, this company brings consumers together around solidarity projects such as group purchases (heating oil, pellets and wood) and the negotiation of preferential offers for the members of its group. It works throughout Belgium.

On the Groupasol site, you can consult, day after day, the evolution of the price of fuel oil and the savings you can make by calling on this group. Since October 7, the price of heating oil has been displayed at a price of €1.423/l. By going through this group of purchases, the price of your fuel costs you 1.415 €/l. Admittedly, for the moment the margin is minimal (8 €/1000l). Last March, the savings made on a full tank of 1,000 liters was €85 and €71 last June. You pay your order directly at the price negotiated by Groupasol at the time of delivery.

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