“There is a precise date” –

It is not known whether it is really a record but the summer of 2024 is certainly one of the hottest ever. For weeks now the African anticyclone has been stationed at our latitudes bringing sultriness and high temperatures to our Peninsula. Apparently, however, all this is numbered. According to the experts of the site meteogiuliacci.it, in fact, in the next few hours the flow coming from the Atlantic will sweep away the anticyclone bringing rains and a sharp drop in temperatures. And we also have the precise date. It is Saturday, August 17.

Sharp drop. When the summer break arrives, Sottocorona speaks

“A significant drop in temperatures, especially in the northern and central areas of the country, with values ​​below average and a strong period of rain”, writes Andrea Tura on the site that hosts the forecasts of Colonel Mario Giuliacci. However, this will not be the true end of summer, for which we will have to wait until mid-September.

#precise #date #Tempo
2024-08-17 20:36:29



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