There is a new version of Winamp available

Image for the article titled The mythical Winamp returns to play all those audio files that you probably no longer have

Screenshot: Winamp

Winamp died… and then risen. Then he died again, and now he has just been resurrected again in his version 5.9 that is now available for download. The question is: do youWill it continue to be attractive to users who have long since switched from local files to streaming?

The transition from compact discs to online services was not exactly easy. Ripping audio tracks from a CD and converting them to MP3 was relatively easy, but the small size of these files made them very easy to share over the Internet and record labels went on the warpath when initiatives like Napster emerged. In all that time MP3 sharing applications have come and gone (Napster itself, Bearshare, Limewire…), but Winamp managed to stay almost permanently on many PCs where there were also massive MP3 collections. The small size and simplicity of Winamp made many prefer it over behemoths like Windows Player iTunes.

At one point, the cultural industry accepted the change and paid streaming services were born. Winamp stopped making so much sense and the fact that the company changed hands several times didn’t help either. Finally the app died in version 5.666, published at the end of 2013.

In 2018, Winamp 5.8 came back from the dead with the promise of new features more in tune with the times like cloud playback, but it took another four years for the new version to be available. available in the forums.

Image for the article titled The mythical Winamp returns to play all those audio files that you probably no longer have

Screenshot: Winamp

Los amantes de la nostalgia se alegrarán de saber que apenas ha cambiado nada en el apartado gráfico. Hasta siguen existiendo las skins que lo hicieron popular. Eso sí, bajo el capó, el código fuente de la aplicación ha pasado de Visual Studio 2008 a Visual Studio 2019. Esto significa que realmente hay cabida a nuevas funciones, pero tiene la “pega” de que hace falta Windows 7 SP1 o superior para ejecutarlo. Lo sentimos, usuarios de Windows XP.

Los PC han cambiado mucho desde los días de gloria de Winamp, y aunque los reproductores musicales siguen siendo básicamente iguales en términos de interfaz, los de Winamp ahora lucen ridículamente pequeños en las nuevs pantallas con más resolución. El siguiente paso de los desarrolladores es solucionar todos estos pequeños problemas e incorporar más formatos de audio y hasta acceso a servicios de streaming. Veremos si consiguen cocinar todo eso en una versión que el gran público pueda volver a amar.

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