There are so many delicious things in the world… but various ways to resist the temptation of food

When we eat food, the reward center of the brain is activated. The stimulated reward center secretes a neurotransmitter called dopamine that makes you feel happy and pleasure. Eating food itself brings pleasure.

In particular, when obese people see food, the brain’s reward system becomes overactive, which increases their motivation to eat. Because they are more sensitive to food stimuli, exposure to visual and olfactory stimuli leads to a desire to eat, which in turn leads to overeating and binge eating. This is why you can reduce the amount of food you eat by reducing the stimulating factor of food by adjusting the surrounding environment.

You can eat less when your surroundings changeㅣSource: Getty Image Bank

How to get rid of food triggers

1. When shopping
– I don’t shop when I’m hungry. If you buy food when you are full, you can reduce impulse purchases of food.
– Before shopping, plan what food to buy and buy only those items.
– Buy only a certain amount.
– Avoid instant, cooked and frozen foods and buy foods that take time to cook.

2. When storing food
– Food is left only in the kitchen.
– If you buy high-calorie foods, place them deep in opaque containers that are difficult to open and do not show the contents.
– Place low-calorie, healthy foods in a visible place.
– Always keep fresh vegetables in an easy-to-eat form in the refrigerator.

3. When eating
– Eat food only in designated areas.
– Serve only enough food to eat on the table.
– Put food in small containers.
– Put the side dish on a small individual plate and eat only that much.
– After a meal, quickly remove food from the table and throw away any leftovers.
– Do not eat leftover food because it is a waste of food.
– Make a plan to reduce food intake.
– Eat meals and snacks at scheduled times.
– Eat leisurely for at least 20 to 30 minutes.
– Instead of eating unnecessary snacks, move your body to distract yourself.
– Appropriately refuses food recommended by others.

4. At dinner or gatherings
– Alcohol is high in calories, so drink less.
-Eat a simple meal before the meeting.
– Plan what kind of food you will eat before the meeting.
– Do not play the role of mood maker during dinner.

5. When eating out
– Drink tea rather than eat at appointments, unless necessary.
– Refrain from starving yourself for eating out.
– Don’t order too many at once, order more if you run out.
– Dessert is ordered following the meal, not in advance.
– Place high-calorie foods as far away from your seat as possible.
– Eat vegetables before meat or rice, but do not apply dressing as much as possible.
– Do not blindly order a set meal just because it saves money.
– Avoid course meals and only order and eat what you need.
– Instead of ordering multiple meals and sharing them all at once, each person orders their own food and eats only their own food.
– Avoid alcohol and soft drinks as much as possible and drink cool water or tea.

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