There are no Taiwanese in the catering industry? He was stunned when he saw the Vietnamese fried pot stickers. Netizens revealed the reason: it was really fierce |

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Some netizens found that many restaurant employees are Vietnamese. Situation diagram.File photo of the United Daily News Department/photographed by reporter Xu Zhenghong

People from many Southeast Asian countries will choose to come to Taiwan for employment, and now they have become an indispensable labor force in Taiwan. Some netizens shared their observations in an article, saying that Vietnamese people can be seen in chain stores and snack bars, so they wonder why all the employees in Taiwan’s catering industry have become Vietnamese. As soon as the article came out, many netizens also agreed that there are more and more Vietnamese employees and appreciated their ability.

A netizen on PTTpostsaid that when I went to chain restaurants such as Bafangyunji and Wenzhou Dawonton to eat, I found that the chefs were all Vietnamese. I went to the famous braised pork rice to eat, and the waiters were also Vietnamese. Therefore, the original PO was curious whether there were really many Vietnamese migrant workers in Taiwan.

The article sparked a response. Netizens said that they really often see Vietnamese people, “There are also many Vietnamese employees in my evening market”, “Bafang (Yunji) at my house is also two Vietnamese employees, very kind”, ” There are also convenience stores”, “the salted crispy chicken shop that I often go to buy has also invited two or three Vietnamese students”, “a bunch of restaurant owners are all there, and I will open my own shop after I do it.”

Some netizens affirmed the abilities of the Vietnamese, “Vietnamese cooking is delicious”, “They are willing to cook, and the craftsmanship is good”, “Vietnamese girls really recognize their grades and can do business”, “Everyone they meet has a good attitude , can’t play temper”, “The girl is upright and has a good attitude, and I feel very good shopping with her”, “Push Vietnamese people, kind”, “Vietnamese people are really fierce”.

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Another netizen pointed out that this phenomenon is related to labor conditions, “Because I don’t want to increase my salary, I can only hire foreigners”, “It’s like we go to Europe and the United States, there is no one to do many grassroots jobs due to the declining birth rate”, “Taiwanese I only want bright and expensive jobs”, “Taiwanese people are afraid of the heat and dirty and don’t want to do it”, “In fact, there are fewer and fewer Taiwanese people who are willing to do exploited jobs, but some jobs are still paid more than immigrant workers The mother country is good.”

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