There are eight units out of service 2024-04-21 23:17:34

The blackouts will be longer in the coming days in Cuba because eight thermoelectric plants in the country are out of service. According to the Cuban Electrical Union (UNE), there is greater availability of fuel but there are important plants that are not contributing to the National System (SEN).

At the end of Friday, the third unit of the Santa Cruz del Norte Thermoelectric Plant and the fifth of Nuevitas were not operational. Felton’s unit number 2 is also not active. In all cases, they do not contribute to the SEN these days due to various breakdowns.

By the way, several units are undergoing maintenance. The UNE pointed out, on the subject, that unit 1 of Santa Cruz del Norte and unit 6 of Nuevitas do not generate electricity. Meanwhile, plant number 5 of Renté and the sixth and eighth of Mariel are also outside the SEN.

Lack of fuel

As if that were not enough, some thermal units on the Island do not contribute to the SEN either due to lack of fuel. In fact, there are 32 distributed generation plants currently not available for this reason. Added to this is that one of the six Turkish boats of the Turkish company Karadeniz Holding left the country for Guyana.

The impact last night, during peak hours, was 335 MW throughout the island. However, it is estimated that the energy generation deficit will increase by the weekend. The non-availability of these eight important plants forces the always annoying blackouts to be extended for more hours.

Breakdowns, fuel shortages, unavailable plants, among other factors mean that the UNE cannot emerge from the crisis. Every month several factors come together with an identical ending: blackouts in Cuba. As of today, there is no viable or real solution for generation to exceed demand in a stable manner.

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