There are contacts with the establishment, discussions are going on, nothing concrete has come out yet, Ali Amin – Pakistan

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister Ali Amin Gandapur has said that there are contacts with the establishment, discussions are going on, nothing concrete has come out yet. Regarding the apology for May 9 incidents, Ali Amin said that PTI founder Imran Khan is ready to apologise, but first the mistake should be proved.

Speaking to the media outside Adiala Jail in Rawalpindi, Ali Amin Gandapur reiterated his point and added that he is ready to apologize for the incidents of May 9.

Regarding May 9, he further said, ‘There is no fault of ours, this is a pre-planned act, the fault is yours and I should be asked to apologize, it will not happen, sit down and talk and prove the fault as much as possible. It will be a mistake and they will apologize.’

He said that our mandate was stolen, the constitution was broken, there must be a discussion on the repeated violation of the constitution.

Ali Amin further said that PTI is formed under an ideology, the founder PTI is concerned about inflation.

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He said that the founding chairman is adamant on the ideology, the ideology cannot be imprisoned, the nation stood for the observance of the constitution and independence, the nation should fully participate in the rally on August 5.

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Narrating the meeting with Imran Khan, the Chief Minister further said that the founder PTI is concerned about the country’s economy, he is ready to speak for the country. He always asked for negotiations for the country and also formed a committee.

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Ali Amin said that fascism and cases are happening in Punjab, they are not giving form 45, 47 are sitting in the assembly.

He said that ‘we have been abused a lot, Andalib Abbas left the party but did not go to jail for a day, we are bound by the decision of the founder of PTI.’



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