“There are better speakers than me, but to do something, I am the best”, assures Valérie Pécresse

Anne Hidalgo believes that Valérie Pécresse has crossed “one more Rubicon” by evoking the “great replacement”

Socialist presidential candidate Anne Hidalgo said on Sunday that her right-wing rival Valérie Pécresse had crossed “one more Rubicon” by evoking in his meeting “the great replacement”conspiracy theory relayed by the far-right candidate Eric Zemmour.

In her first major meeting at the Zenith in Paris, Valérie Pécresse affirmed that France was ” at the crossroads “ : “In ten years, will we still be the seventh power in the world? Will we still be a sovereign nation or an auxiliary of the United States, a counter of China? Will we be a united nation or a fragmented nation? Faced with these vital questions, there is no fatality. Neither the big replacement nor the big downgrade. I call you suddenly. »

According to Mme Hidalgo, these words are « graves ». “It is one more Rubicon that is crossed by the right, which might have been this republican right, but which takes a reference from the far right, the sign undoubtedly for Valérie Pécresse of a frantic race behind Marine Le Pen and Eric Zemmour »estimated the candidate from Le Lamantin, in Martinique, where she is continuing her campaign.

According to her, M.me Pécresse “takes an extremely serious turn for the political debate” Who “is absolutely not in line with a Jacques Chirac who has always (…) laid down the red line not to be crossed”.

“Our country cannot sink into these fascist, fascistic ideologies. This theory of the great replacement, we know that it led to the massacre in New Zealand in 2019” which the author was a follower, she added.

“I say it from Martinique, the land of Aimé Césaire, who carried this message of tolerance and recognition of the identity of the other, not to be afraid of it but to make it a collective force”underlined Mr.me Hidalgo.



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