There are at least 14 dead and a state of catastrophe has been declared

At least 14 dead caused the 204 forest fires what affect the south-central zone of Chileand that led the Government to declare a state of catastrophe in that region.

“We have to point out that there 13 deceased in total, 11 in the commune of Santa Juana, a Bolivian pilot and a Chilean mechanic who got into a helicopter that was on duty to fight this fire,” said Mauricio Tapia, deputy national director of the National Prevention and Response Service. before Disasters (Senapred). One of the people who died in Santa Juana, in the Biobío region, was a volunteer from the fire department of that town.

Hours later, a new fatality was added; a 45 year old man from the commune of Purén, in La Araucanía. The finding was confirmed by the provincial presidential delegate in Malleco, Andrea Parra.

“Very sad for helicopter accident in which the pilot and mechanic who worked in the fight once morest the fire died in the Galvarino commune in La Araucanía,” the Chilean Minister of Agriculture, Esteban Valenzuela, wrote on his Twitter account, according to the AFP news agency.

According to the authorities, More than 200 fires have devastated more than 47,000 hectares, leaving 97 houses completely destroyed and 22 injured, eight of them seriously. Of the 204 active fires, 56 are out of control.

The situation, which is far from being controlledbrings to mind the catastrophe that took place in that area at the beginning of 2017, when a mega forest fire left 11 dead, some 6,000 homeless, more than 1,500 homes destroyed and 467,000 hectares affected.

Like in that year current fire sources started in agricultural areas and in forestsand advanced to threaten and affect populated areas.

Even the transit by one of the main roads that connects to the city of Concepción (510 km south of Santiago) should have been restricted since Thursday due to the proximity of the fire.

One of the epicenters of the tragedy is the town of Santa Juana, 52 km south of Concepción

Smoke rises from a fire in Santa Juana, Concepción province, Chile on February 3, 2023. AFP Photo.

What does the declaration of a state of catastrophe mean for the fires in Chile?

The Chilean government declared a state of catastrophe in the regions of Ñuble and Biobío (South Central). The sources of accidents also affect the regions of Maule and La Araucanía. President Gabriel Boric decided to suspend his vacation and today it reached Biobío and Ñuble.

«I want to tell all the citizens and inhabitants of Biobío, Ñuble, part of Maule and La Araucanía, that we are with you. All the forces of the State will be deployed to face the fires and accompany all the victimsBoric stated. “We are not going to leave them alone,” was the president’s most repeated phrase, added AFP.

Regarding the origin of the forest fires, the president announced that “There are indications that some were caused by unauthorized burning”and added that “there is no authorization to burn garbage, or agricultural waste, or anything.”

The declaration of the state of catastrophe, a state of constitutional exception, allows measures such as the provision of additional resources to control the emergency and go to the aid of those affected, as well as restrict the use of military forces in this emergency situation.

The uncontrolled fire has left 97 homes completely destroyed and 22 injured, eight of them seriously. Kindness photo.

The fires unleashed in the middle of a wave of extreme heat with records above 41ºC and in the midst of a severe and prolonged drought.

In this context, the Prosecutor’s Office announced the arrest of two people linked to the generation of fires in the Biobío and La Araucanía regions.

In the fight of the fire they work 75 aircraft and more than 2,300 brigade memberswhile Minister Tohá announced the hiring of another 10 aircraft and was considering leasing more aircraft abroad.

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