Treatment of gout
“This is a multifactorial disease that can and should be fought,” the doctor said. – It is possible to prevent and prevent exacerbation. For this you need to see a doctor. The therapist will assess the general condition of the patient, give a direction for research. Optimal treatment of gout should take into account the level of uric acid, the number of previous exacerbations, x-ray data, stage of the disease, age, gender of the patient, obesity, and other factors. Preparations for the treatment of gout are selected individually with the doctor.
The therapist draws attention to the fact that gout can be treated without the use of drugs.
– If you are seen by a doctor and can control the process of exacerbation, then you can get by with non-drug methods of treatment – this is dieting, limiting alcohol consumption, reducing excess weight, – says therapist Alexei Zhito.