2023-07-20 22:00:00
Page 5 to 8: Fabienne Martin-Juchat and Fabien Bonnet – From communication to design: instrumentalization or renewal? | Page 9 to 36: Camille Forthoffer and Lisa Pottier – Prefiguring the interactions between the design of public policies and citizens: the case of a French government site | Page 37 to 59: Françoise Paquienséguy – The methods and actors of urban co-design: what place for the user of the city? | Pages 61 to 87: Manuel Zacklad, Didier Joubert and Aline Gérard – Co-design of collaborative prevention systems for the prevention of fights and the security police | Page 89 to 108: Sylvie Parrini-Alemanno and Pascale Delille – Participatory design for environmental health literacy | Page 109 to 124: Mathilde Sarré-Charrier – Uncertainty in the creativity methods used in foresight | Page 125 to 139: Clément Gravereaux – What the practical mobilization of “digital” design does to organizations | Page 141 to 162: Justine Peneau – Critical approach to “empathetic design”: the case of the design sprint within a digital agency.
#Theoretical #Approaches #InformationCommunication #ATIC #Number #communication #design #instrumentalization #renewal