Theodoros Skylakakis: “In January electricity tariffs will be cheaper than before the subsidies” – 2024-08-07 22:28:57

Mr. Skylakakis talked about electricity bills, colored tariffs and why green was chosen as ideal for citizens.

“Now in November and December the companies had 130 different invoices. Ythere was variety and the following phenomenon. We had one offer, one discount, and then the consumer landed on one that he couldn’t compare to all the others.

Moving to a new system, we divided the invoices into 3 major categories. The fixed ones, the floating ones and the 3rd version was the dynamic tariffs with the smart meters. We have added another tariff which has the following difference: companies must offer it with exactly the same conditions. Therefore we see a final price and you can compare with the prices of all the others and see who is the cheapest or not. We “chose” the green for the citizens, because until now we didn’t know which is the cheapest and the most expensive. We want to know and then make the tariff selection on 1/1/24. One can do it both earlier and later,” he initially said.

“This amount they will give will be the final amount. There is a fixed amount of 5 euros and the final amount. Then we see, there is a yellow, a blue. There should be competition and we should know the prices of each provider. In the operation of the free market, what prices are decided by the competition, which has two “players”: those who provide the products and services and those who buy them”, added Mr. Skylakakis.

Will kilowatt hour prices ever return to pre-covid prices?

According to Mr. Skylakakis, “we don’t know this because it is a function of international prices. We have two components in electricity: one is the international prices of natural gas with which about 35% of electricity is produced, then there are the prices of CO2 which goes into both lignite and natural gas, and then there is everything else cost data. This leads to the prices we have. There is a permanent change that increases the values ​​that are CO2 values. There is no way these will fall, they are international prices.”

“For January they will be the same or even cheaper than what they were before the subsidies and for a large part of consumers, more for those who heat electrically, for the first 3 months of the year it will be cheaper than the months of November and December” , he added.

Among others, Mr. Skylakakis was appointed for subsidies to consumers who use electricity for heating.

“The platform concerns those who do not heat with natural gas, district heating, pellets, oil and have not used the heating allowance. The platform will be open by the end of the year, early next year. It is the well-known platform for heating oil. They will enter their information, submit a request, and receive from 50 to 480 euros depending on the geographical area and the degree days within the next 3 months”, underlined the Minister of Energy.

On social tariffs: “they will be extremely economical. It will be at pre-crisis levels,” he commented.

“Professionals have the possibility to go to dynamic pricing because the meters will start coming in. Professionals can choose yellow or green invoices. Apartment building managers will fall into the green tariff and they will also have to make a choice. The blue tariff is for those who want to have “peace of mind”, Mr. Skylakakis emphasized in closing.

#Theodoros #Skylakakis #January #electricity #tariffs #cheaper #subsidies



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