“Their sound is bad or is it her?”: Angele criticized after her performance at the Victoires de la Musique

The Brussels woman left empty-handed on the Victory side, but with two “controversies” on her back.

The first concerns his singing performance. Internet users were very critical: “I like Angèle but there it was horribly false”, “Second time that I see Angèle live at the Victoires de la Musique and that she sings mega false. Why? Their sound is bad or is it her?” Return problem in the headset?

The second concerns the decor that accompanied the singer during her performance. If the images of the Red Devils logically made the French public react, with us, it was the giant waffle on which it was installed that was pinned. A Liège waffle to celebrate Brussels, a sacrilege that is difficult to swallow for many Belgian Internet users, of course! Remember that the Liège waffle is rather circular in shape and has a bit of chewiness, while the Brussels waffle is rectangular and much lighter. It remains to be seen from which side the confusion comes, is it an error of the team of Angèle or that of the Victoires? The singer did not react on her social networks.



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