Theft, Police | Trond served the case on a silver platter to the police – Nettavisen

The Great Bergen Bicycle Caper: Comedy Ensues!

Ah, what a delightful tale we’ve got brewing in the streets of Bergen! Trond Hatlevik, a man who apparently thinks living on a boat makes him a modern-day maritime visionary, thought he was living the electric dream with his shiny, expensive e-bike. But, alas! Instead of waves and the soothing sounds of the sea, he was met with the harsh reality of bicycle theft. It’s like a tragic comedy where the hero loses his prized possession, and just when you think it can’t get worse, it does!

Locked Up Tight… Or So He Thought

Now, let’s address the elephant on the boat—39,000 kroner worth of bike sitting pretty in a locked shed, secured with what he thought were ‘heavy-duty’ locks. Heavy-duty? Mate, if they can withstand this kind of heist, they ought to be used for secure vaults! Someone clearly got the memo on how to pick a lock during their Saturday night educational show.

Picture this: Trond wakes up Saturday, rubbing the sleep from his eyes, only to be greeted with the reality check that says, “Hey buddy, your bike is gone!” I mean, come on! It’s like losing your pet goldfish—except in this case, the goldfish was 39,000 kroner and had wheels!

A Biker’s Revenge: Tracking Down the Thief

But our hero doesn’t let the loss defeat him! Instead, he channels his inner detective. It’s like if Sherlock Holmes and Inspector Gadget had a love child—he uses his mobile phone to track the stolen bike! Genius or desperation? You decide!

Imagine being the police when Trond calls to invite them on a bike hunt. “Sorry, mate, but we’re busy doing… police things.” It’s like, “Why is it always us doing the adulting? Where’s the fun in that?” But fear not, dear reader, as the police finally decide to join the hunt, and not a moment too soon!

Time for Some Good Old “Police Work”

Now, in a twist straight out of a crime drama, the police meet Trond and engage in some “good old-fashioned police work.” I can just picture them, trench coats on, looking very serious, while in the back of their minds they’re thinking, “We’re about to catch a bike thief. Here’s hoping it’s not a toddler this time!”

They finally trace the signal to a dodgy apartment block, and it turns out it’s a two-point-five meters shuttle to… the criminal lair! Honestly, if only fitting a bike could be solved with a game of Hide and Seek! As Trond plays the ping sound of his precious bike, the cops knock on the door. What happens next? They drag out the alleged thief, which sounds far more riveting than a Monday morning at the office.

The Aftermath: A New Anxious Reality

So, No arrests were made, but one suspect was on their radar. Scary stuff for someone who thought checking the handlebars was the peak of bike security! Trond is now locking his bike to the boat, sending a clear message: “You may try to take my bike again and have a swim in these chilly waters!” Bravo!

As for the local police? They seem quite pleased with the outcome. After all, a high-value bike is like the Holy Grail for them. They always strive to do what they can… unless it involves paperwork, of course. That can wait, right?

Final Thoughts: The Life of a Boat Dweller

At the end of the day, this whole ordeal is a brilliant reminder that life can be as unpredictable as a cat on roller skates. Although Trond lost his beloved bike—his electric chariot of freedom—he at least has the satisfaction of being one step ahead of his thief. It’s less about the bike, and more about the chase. The thrill of the hunt is invigorating, if you can stomach the loss of an arm and a leg, financially speaking!

So, dear readers, take this story to heart. Lock your bikes, keep your keys close, and remember: always anticipate the unexpected—after all, it’s not just a bike thief that waits for a chance!

Disclaimer: All characters and events in this story are fictitious, yet oddly relatable to any cyclist. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental… and hilarious!

(The Bergen newspaper): Trond Hatlevik lives in a boat in Thormøhlens gate. Instead of having a car, he has invested in an expensive electric bicycle. There were more people than him who liked it.

On the night of Saturday, what he thought could not happen happened. When he was to use it in the morning, it had disappeared without a trace. He used to keep the bike in a locked shed, locking it with a heavy-duty lock.

That didn’t stop the thief.

– Someone was inside and cut the wire. They had also taken the bicycle locks, he says.

He was frustrated to have lost the bike, which cost him 39,000.

– It was very sad to lose it, especially when I made sure to lock it so well. Fortunately, I had it on, and could follow where it went, he says.

WAS WELL LOCKED: Hatlevik says that the bicycle was locked in this shed. Photo: Rune Johansen / Bergensavisen

He reported the theft to the police, and began to follow where the bike was.

– I could see that it was very close.

Joined the police on the search

On Monday, he called the police and invited them on a trip.

– They didn’t have much time in the morning, so then we had to cancel.

On Monday evening, however, the police had a better time.

Operations manager Bjarte Rebnord confirms that Trond took part in the investigation.

– I would call it good old-fashioned police work – we dig where we can dig. Exactly what we did, we will keep internal to the police.

It was nothing drastic, he claims, and brags about his colleagues.

Hatlevik reveals what he was involved in.

HAPPY: Hatlevik is glad the police joined the bike chase. Photo: Rune Johansen / Bergensavisen

The cry of the ringing sound

– We were in a house, and one of the residents tipped us off that there was some criminal activity in another block. I went with my mobile from door to door and checked the signal. Suddenly it said that the bike was 2.5 meters away, he says.

When the police knocked on the door, they are said to have met a man.

– They grabbed him and dragged him out of the hallway. I played a ping sound so it was easy to prove it was my bike.

According to the police, no one has been arrested in connection with the discovery, but one person has the status of a suspect.

Now Hatlevik is taking drastic measures to ensure that no one gets hold of the bike again.

– Now I have locked the bike to the boat. If they dare to board while I’m there, I’ll be impressed.

Happy to help

While the police were in the apartment, they checked for anything else that had been stolen.

– There was nothing to indicate that there was other stolen goods there, says Rebnord.

He is happy that the police were able to help Hatlevik in this case.

– We always do what we can, and then we have to make an assessment based on capacity. When we have the opportunity, we will help with such matters. Such bicycles have quite a high value, he points out.



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