“Theater Festival in Litschau: 100 Events in 11 Days with a Focus on Stupidity and Emotions”

2023-04-24 14:01:12

From August 11th to 20th, the festival will be staged in and around Litschau and at the Herrenseetheater. Under the directorship of Zeno Stanek, around 100 events will be offered in the Waldviertel town over eleven days.

The Schubert Theater in Vienna, for example, will have a rendezvous in the Waldviertel, on the one hand with “Shakespeare im Blut”, a kind of best-of Shakespeare compilation. In addition, in cooperation with Rebekah Wild, there is “Tilda Eulenspiel”, a feminist-inspired homage to Till Eulenspiegel. In “Wicked Play” three actresses take you into scenes from Shakespeare’s works and at the same time into the innermost core of the human soul. There are also scenic readings, such as those by Elisabeth Halikiopoulos, who is taking on Tom Lanoye’s “Queen Lear”.

Wild Theatre/Schubert Theater

“Tilda Eulenspiegel” with Rebekah Wild

The festival also deals with the extremely multifaceted phenomenon of stupidity, which “reaches far into the realms of wisdom, cleverness and being ‘clever’”, one can read on the festival’s website, “often and gladly paired, almost siblings, with clowning, clowning or harlequining”.

Because stupidity “is mobile in all directions and can put on all the clothes of truth. The truth, on the other hand, has only one dress and one way and is always at a disadvantage,” wrote Robert Musil in his 1937 speech “On Stupidity” – and with that “he describes this year’s theater festival in its theme very aptly,” explains festival director Zeno Stanek .

Director Stanek: “Arouse and touch emotions”

The “Days for Contemporary Theater Entertainment” initiated by the director have a clear goal: “To make theater in all its diversity tangible. It’s about contemporary theater that tells stories and arouses emotions – in a multifaceted, sometimes surprising way. In addition: the topical social issues, such as the stupidity or wisdom of humans, are treated in an entertaining way, not in a didactic or moralistic way,” says Stanek.

Venues include the Herrenseetheater and the new event and rehearsal house Moment. Domestic productions as well as those from the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Poland, New Zealand and Germany are represented.

#Hin #Weg #Shakespeare #stupidity

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