Theate and Faes, the hairy brothers, gone from the anonymity of Ostend to the defense of the Devils

Finally, the coach decided. Theate to the left, Field as a right central defender. Jackpot for the two former Ostend, decidedly linked in many ways.

Similar hair, similar position, similar trajectory. They both passed through the media anonymity of KV Ostend at some point in their young careers. To relaunch after being forgotten by their respective training club, Anderlecht for Faes, the Standard pour Theate.

Revanchists, both have succeeded brilliantly. Robust, often well placed, hard on man, reliable. Faes will have spent two seasons there (70 matches), Theate only one (40 matches). But they never played there together, the eldest (Faes, 24) having left KV six months before the arrival of the youngest (Theate, 22).

It was therefore only at the Devils that the two men met. As if it seemed written that, whatever happened, their trajectories would remain parallel. Neither of the two probably expected to play the two matches against Sweden and Germany. Too fast, too soon, after months of patiently moping on the bench.

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