The Zoï startup bets on preventive medicine

2023-12-24 04:46:00

Entrepreneurs often launch into a field that is close to their heart. Ismaël Emelien is no exception. The former advisor to Emmanuel Macron, who left the Élysée in 2019, had long wondered about the causes of some of his health problems. His medical journey to identify and resolve them gave birth, a few years later, to his first start-up: Zoï, meaning “life” in Greek.

With his partner Paul Dupuy, a serial entrepreneur particularly in the field of real estate tech, the former Havas executive, 36, started his project a little over two years ago. The latter has aroused the enthusiasm of major investors, as evidenced by the seed fundraising of 20 million euros carried out at the beginning of 2022. The list of business angels who have indeed supported the The adventure from its beginnings – at a minimum of 1 million euros for a “ticket” – includes half a dozen big business names: Stéphane Bancel, general director of the biotech laboratory Moderna, specialist in messenger RNA, Xavier Niel, founder of Iliad, Rodolphe Saadé, CEO of CMA CGM (owner of La Tribune Sunday), the investment banker Jean-Marie Messier, the creator of Orpea Jean-Claude Marian (whom he left in 2017), Emmanuel Goldstein, head of Morgan Stanley in Paris…

“Act in the general interest”

“My goal was to develop a business that would allow me to bring together people I like, to act in the general interest and to broaden my knowledge,” explains Ismaël Emelien. Through his meetings with Dr. Claude Dalle, specialist in anti-aging medicine and member of the European Academy of Sciences, this son of an engineer and a nurse experiences a “epiphany” friendly and intellectual. And decided to create his start-up in the field of preventive medicine, currently relatively neglected in Europe but booming in the United States. “I was looking for transversality to break down the silos in place in the medical sector”, adds the co-founder.

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Result ? A set of in-depth biological examinations and medical imaging within a complete check-up combined with personalized medical recommendations, all associated with management via data and a behavioral approach. Subscribers to the program (7,200 euros the first year for two complete check-ups and personalized follow-up) have an application at their disposal to facilitate the implementation of the measures to be taken. The first stage revolved around the inauguration on November 10 of the first diagnostic center of 2,000 square meters, installed in Paris in the 2nd arrondissement. The actual opening will take place at the beginning of the year. A team of 45 people (out of around sixty in total), including former Doctolib and Uber employees, supervises the entire tech and data aspect.

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“We assume that the first phase of the project will focus on the high-end, to then be able to democratize it,” explains Ismaël Emelien. Zoï has been a company with a mission since its creation. A legal status which reflects the desire to make personalized preventive medicine accessible to all. “This very ambitious objective requires heavy investments, particularly in technology, and this is why Zoï is now aimed at a wealthy clientele,” completes the entrepreneur. Who is already thinking about a future international establishment, in London or New York.