The young wife of Makarevich attacked the fans

On the eve it became known that Einat Klein comes out of the decree a month following giving birth.

Andrei Makarevich. Photo: Global Look Press

Just a month ago, the young wife of Andrei Makarevich, 37-year-old Einat Klein, gave birth to a son to the musician. The kid became the fourth child for the artist and the first for the guide. The day before, Einat told the followers that she was coming out of the decree and was already planning to go on tours that she conducts for travelers.

Andrei Makarevich and Einat Klein
Andrei Makarevich and Einat Klein. Photo: social networks

“The other day I came across in one of the Israeli tourist groups on a heated discussion “how can she return to work, she has a baby!”. I understand, comrades, your righteous anger. You yourself, I suppose, spent three years on decrees, and your work is hateful, or, in any case, not as exciting as mine. At the same time, you are not judging yourself, but me. And that is why the paths we have with you are different. In general, yes, the “worst mother of the year” is calling everyone on a hike once more! Einat wrote on her social network.

Recall, Andrei Makarevich and Einat Klein live in Israel. Their common child was also born there.

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